this is surprising...i've been training with Cirque Du Soleil for nearly 6 years and i've only ever broken 1 bone :thumbsup: pretty good for a klutz like me!
but it was horrible and hurt like hell, i was on silk (like in my pic *currently*) and i was at the very top and doing this move called big knot roll, you basically get yourself all wound up and eventually you end up facing forwards with the fabric behind you, then you let go and flip forward a bunch of times, (i had done this successfully countless times before, maybe that's what went wrong?) well when i was getting into it, i wrapped the slack around the right leg but going the wrong direction, and never even thought of it until it was too late, i let go, flipped the wrong way so not even the spotters could get me and fell 45 feet, there was a mat but we had a juggling club (the only damn metal club we owned!) lying on the mat and i landed on it and snapped my hip clean in half.
luckily i didn't need surgery and apparently my hip was a little screwed up before hand so they fixed that too. when i got back i threw the metal club out the window :bolian: so i'm terribly sorry if anybody has a related head contusion :lol:
the worst part of all that was, they couldn't do anything to it! no cast, nothing so i couldn't sit, stand, lay down without excruciating pain and it lasted about a year before it was completely gone.