Anyone ever broken a bone?

I have never broken a bone, I've had many sprains and once tore some ligaments. Pretty good for someone in their late 40's to have never broken a bone.
I've broken too many bone lol

4x left wrist
- getting off the off the ice after skating (i had those figure skating ones) and i stuck the spikes in the ice and fell
-running backwards in gym class
-running in my grandma's house
-falling off board with wheel that i was sitting on that is only 1 1/2 inch off the ground in gym class

1x collar bone
- someone pushed me off a snow hill and i went tumbling down arm twisted and landed on concrete

3x right wrist
-playing basketball
-falling while snowboarding a week after i took off my cast of playing basketball
-falling down the school stairs

...And im only 17
At my emergency room after i broke my wrist while snowboarding the docotrs were like :O her again i bets she broke something again then they ask me why i was there and i told them they were like we'll X-ray you to make sure but knowing you...its broken...Yep they were right hehe
I've never done anything really bad (touch wood) but I've broken my big toe, and it's still broken, and every so often absolutely kills, but they can't do anything apparently.... And i've badly sprained my wrist and ankle, but not broken.
I broke my first bone about a month ago. I was getting ready to go for my nightly walk (I walk about 4 miles every night, well I did LOL) and I was going down my front steps and just...missed the step. So I twisted my foot between the cement step and the grass hill (that comes up against the step). It hurt so bad, I started crying, then my brother says "that sucks" and I just started cracking up laughing. Then I ended up walking 3 miles that night anyway (so stupid).

Just got the cast off on Thursday and my ankle and leg is still stiff! I still can barley walk because it hurts so bad where the foot was broke...I really think it's still broke but the XRay said no.

What's weird...when I originally went to have an XRay the day after I fell they said it wasn't broke, it didn't show up until I got an I'm thinking maybe the same thing is happening this time, it's just not showing up on the XRay. The doctor doesn't seem worried about it, but it hurts!
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I fractured my left thumb and wrist when my Tae Kwon Do teacher accidentally kicked me across the room (I stepped forward right at the moment he was demonstrating a front kick to the class) Don't know how I didn't break them considering I fell on them *shrug* :)

However, I've not broken a bone in my body, though I do have several scars. Two from accidents when I was a kid, (falling from a wall and falling off my pushbike), one on the palm of my right hand (jumping down from a high fence which had barbed wire at the top of it), three from a gall stone operation and one large scar from an op where a rib had to be removed and half my collarbone taken away because of a viral bone infection.

But still, no broken bones - chuckle.

I broke a bone only once, when I was 11, i was ice-skating with friends, and it was my last lap, and I suddenly fell and broke my right wrist. We went to the hospital where I had to have a surgery, because it was broken that much.
After years I could still see where it was broken, there was a small hole in my skin there, and it really hurt for a few years when a cold front was coming :(
this is surprising...i've been training with Cirque Du Soleil for nearly 6 years and i've only ever broken 1 bone :thumbsup: pretty good for a klutz like me!

but it was horrible and hurt like hell, i was on silk (like in my pic *currently*) and i was at the very top and doing this move called big knot roll, you basically get yourself all wound up and eventually you end up facing forwards with the fabric behind you, then you let go and flip forward a bunch of times, (i had done this successfully countless times before, maybe that's what went wrong?) well when i was getting into it, i wrapped the slack around the right leg but going the wrong direction, and never even thought of it until it was too late, i let go, flipped the wrong way so not even the spotters could get me and fell 45 feet, there was a mat but we had a juggling club (the only damn metal club we owned!) lying on the mat and i landed on it and snapped my hip clean in half.
luckily i didn't need surgery and apparently my hip was a little screwed up before hand so they fixed that too. when i got back i threw the metal club out the window :bolian: so i'm terribly sorry if anybody has a related head contusion :lol:

the worst part of all that was, they couldn't do anything to it! no cast, nothing so i couldn't sit, stand, lay down without excruciating pain and it lasted about a year before it was completely gone.
When I was three, I was playing around in my dad's car (he was currently wokring on a different car). When he realized I was playing (driving the car! whee! vroom!) in the car he told me to get out and go play with my toys.

Well, I got out of the car, shut the door, but I didn't move my hand fast enough so I ripped my middle finger on my left hand at the tip. I ended up losing half my phalange (normal people have 206 bones, I have 205.5) on that finger. Now my middle finger is the same length as my ring finger (well, just about).

Plus I've also sprained my fingers, broken two of my toes, sprained both wrists (at least twice), sprained my left ankle (three times) and injured my left knee.

I'm not a Klutz... I'm just... yeah ok so I'm a klutz. :lol:

and JorjaFoxFan... OWW. My hip hurts now. That's wow. OO
I broke my right wrist roller skating as a kid. Someone knocked me down and skated right over me. I stuck my hand out to break my fall and broke it.

I fractured my foot when I was in HS. Still not sure how I did it. I marching out of the gym after a performance, I was in marching band, and I was upright one moment and the next I was on the ground. I had a small fracture in my left foot.

I've broken three toes. The first two times I stubbed one of my pinky toes on the wooden leg of my sofa. The third time, I caught my right pinky toe on the vacuum cleaner. I broke it, dislocated it and tore all of the ligaments off the bone. My toe was sticking out at somewhere between a forty-five and ninety degree angle. This was the single most painful experience in my life.
I broke my foot when I was 14 I was at school and we have one two story building so I got to going down the stairs to fast and knew I was going to fall so instead of rolling I jumped and caught the corner of the flat edge of the last stair.I ended up at the hospital three hours later cause I couldn't walk without nearly falling.I broke a small piece of bone near my baby toe and it was kinda sitting off to the side.It was the worst four week of my life,I couldn't go to school cause it was raining and the crutches would slip and slide,my mom ended up carrying me a few times because the rain...not a happy me.


in February of this year I almost Broke my ankle.I was out doing the yard and we had this electric weed whacker.Well the cord got caught around my leg some how and I pulled and my leg went to the side and my ankle hit the porch,I herd a loud pop and I couldn't walk,My mom thought I sprained it so we didn't go to the hospital until the next night and they told me I was close,I only Ripped the tissue and legiments and had internal bleeding,which ended me in another splint and more crutches. and that was on the opposite leg of my foot.

My foot was my right and my ankle was my left although it was 7 months ago I still have a lot of trouble with my ankle,If I trip,I get this really bad burning pain and I can't bend it all the way.Plus I officially hate crutches.
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I have never broken a bone which is really a miracle considering I was an athlete growing up. I have never been in a cast but I've sprained the same ankle numerous times (my ankle has never been the same since the first time I sprained it) and several fingers too. Having your fingers in a splint is a bitch especially when it's on your writing hand. Ugh!

Anyway, my cousin broke his arm and so he had to have a cast on that arm. The day after the doctor had removed the cast, he broke the same arm again and had to have another cast put on. We all laughed at him. It's not really funny but when you really think about it... Things like that only happen to him.
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My mom and nephew broke their same ankles at the same time. The thing that made it real funny was my parents took he and his sister on holidays with them. It made for some fun times for everyone on the trip :)
I broke my leg when I was 18 months old. Of course, I have no memory of this, but apparently I broke it when I fell off a bed, which I had been jumping on. Indeed, no memory of it, but my parents have lots of embarrassing pictures of me in a full leg plaster cast. :lol:
I broke my ankle twice. Once about three and a half years ago playing volleyball. My parents didn't believe me at first, so I had to walk around on it for five weeks. When we finally found out I had broken it my mom cried in the hospital because she thought she was a bad parent. LOL It wasn't funny, but at the same time it was. Less than a year later I broke the same ankle again playing basketball.
I just remembered this now. When my older sister and cousin were both three, they broke their limbs at the same time. My sister broke her arm while my cousin broke his leg. As the story goes, my Aunt was playing with them in the playground. She was swinging them around and around, my sister by the arm and my cousin, by the leg. I don't really know how she did that. She was swinging them too fast and she got so dizzy that she let them go a.k.a. they all fell. The two young ones ended up with broken limbs. Hahaha, talk about child abuse! Kidding! :lol: The only thing my sister remembers of it was going to kindergarten with our cousin, she, with a cast on her arm and he, with a cast on his leg. They have a picture of it, and they looked really cute and funny at the same time.