Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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Does anyone know when those Without a Trace episodes will play in the USA? (or if there is any legal place to download them)

I have never seen Anna play any character other than Lindsay, so I really wanna see these episodes :)
I saw her on Without a Trace before I even knew who she was! Now I'm mad that I decided to take a shower half way through it! I would have loved to see Anna in something other than CSI: NY!

And as for her one-liners: Love Them! My favorites are her "Classy" comment and then I loved when she said "Have you ever seen a wheatfield?" to Danny. His face was priceless.
^^^ you beat me too it girly. I was just about to post that... ::bumps head on wall:: Oh well.. so ditto to what darx2mint4 said.

One liners of hers are classic.

I really liked Anna in 'Without a Trace' I missed the very first airing of it - but was able to catch a re-run I think last summer, maybe in late spring towards the end of CSI:NY S2, so, I knew who Anna was and made sure to catch it - very different character from Lindsay. If you havent seen it, its a must. Plus, it's not a bad show, if I had more time I'd tune in more often.

hey! orison, those pics of linds are awsome! I never saw her on w/out a trace...from the pics the episode looks really interesting! she really doesnt look like linds in them...well it is a different character shes playing, lol.

me too, i love the 'wheatfield' scene, too cute.
I love in 'supermen' when she talks about football, and the episode when shes firing the bow and arrow, and much!

has anyone heard any news about her pregnancy? She should be due very soon!!! what do you guys think-will she have a girl or a boy? hahah, it would be too cute to see a little mini-anna if she had a girl. either way, her baby is going to be sooo cute!! maybe she'll bring him/her to the set sometimes :)

-Why is it in my office? -For the sake of science!
hahahaha i LOVE that scene. Linds is too funny.
*puts hand up* It was only from seeing Anna in WAT that I started watching CSI:NY so she is solely responsible for getting me addicted to another show.

I have more pics from her in WAT if anyone wants. I think I've posted them before but it was ages and ages ago.
^Could you repost some of the WAT pics, Muzzy_Olorea? Please :):lol:

I have this strong feeling that Anna's baby will be a boy...but I'm hoping it's a girl :)
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