Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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Continued from here

Well here we are! Thread Number 3... so hello Ms. Monore! Let's get the party started!

very nice, very nice, an excellent additive. So as for our 'take over CBS to see Anna plan' I say we march forth, worse comes to worse... we'll need bail money.. :lol:
Yay! Thread #3! I love that picture Rad. Her smile is just so pretty!

Sorry, I'm broke. I have no money. :p

Shane posted some new pictures over in the picture thread. Lindsay's outfit is so cute. I'm jealous.
Yea! Rad started the new thread! Party time! And petite people (okay, short) people do rule----they kick ass too and take names too----lol. :lol:

I like the title. I know that Danny said "Hello, Ms. Monroe," but really this is more symbolic than that. We know "Montana" and we know "Lindsay, the crime lab girl," but who is Ms. Monroe? Ms. Monroe---the lady, the person---she's more than just a woman from Montana. I hope that we get to see more sides to her this year. :)

I adore the highlights in Lindsay's hair---do go check those pics out. :cool:

OT:Feenx----love the Marilyn icon...think I might change mine to Marilyn for a while! Great! :D
YAY!!! Pictures!! new Thread!! AHHHHH!!! ::dude, I'm so like hyped up on coffee right now!!::

I'm all in about the 'take over CBS and go see Anna' lets do it!! I'll post some pics of Linds later, I'm just not at my house so I cant get to them, thanks for starting the new thread Rad!

1 WEEK!! 1 WEEK!! 1 WEEK!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!! ::jumps up and down, makes Dog go crazy::
^I've got some more Anna project stuff for you. People are really talented that's all I can say. And yes, I love the 'take over CBS and see Anna' thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yay Project stuff, I know, I'm getting emails and stuff and I'm like "wow!" That makes me sit here and go "okay Meliss, get it together and make this scrapbook GOOD!" send it on over.
Yea! Rad started the new thread!

I felt very official starting the new thread...

So here's the plan...pick your fave. Lindsay outfit... buy it... wear it to CBS... MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BAIL MONEY... meet Anna.. it's that simple... :D
Awesome plan!!

I so found the jacket that she wears in COTP too, I was in American Eagle and saw this green jacket and I was like "holy crap, thats like Linds' jacket!" so of course I bought it, its not the SAME thing, but its so cute, and I have a white v-neck, I cant wait for fall to get its rear end to Los Angeles so I can start wearing all my cute long sleeved stuff and sweaters... urgh. lol

So, what does everyone think about the pics that were posted on the picture thread?? Her hair looks darling, theres still something 'different' about her, I just cant place it though.
'there IS' something different.

Makeup?...can't be the hair. She's got a NEW glow to her. NOT saying she's preggers though.

...psst...the FAN Project deadline is Sept 25?...just making sure.
AND yes..I want that Jacket. SOOOO bad.
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