Exactly! I mean, Lindsay's always been caring so it's not like seeing her concern for Danny came out of left field - what really impressed me with her growth was that she was able to
show that directly, by reaching out (in the corniest way possible, I have to admit I slightly cringed with that "10%" and "long-shot" remark, but they were fairly in-character-funny all the same). That's what she's never done before, so I was all "you're
so cool" when she finally did it
, both during her fun scene with him (highly reminiscent of S2) and the later one. I'm just hoping to see her do it more often, now that she was able to do it this time. It's all well and good that she could do it with Danny, but I think I'm seriously going to have to break the TV if the writers limit all that potential chemistry with the other characters, and all the emotional reaching-out she still has to do, to just the D/L storyline.
And btw, Adam's "chiquita" line made that episode for me during the first ten minutes :lol: Now
those two have an awesome dynamic.
Originally Posted by carminelove15:
I hope she either keeps her hair like that or grow it longer.
Actually, I really like her hair the way it is in your avatar - is that from "The Handler"?