Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

Exactly! I mean, Lindsay's always been caring so it's not like seeing her concern for Danny came out of left field - what really impressed me with her growth was that she was able to show that directly, by reaching out (in the corniest way possible, I have to admit I slightly cringed with that "10%" and "long-shot" remark, but they were fairly in-character-funny all the same).

I agree with you (apart from the cringe part :lol: but then again I love those corny moments...*blushes*). She's always caring, which you can usually see in her expression. But now seeing her showing so much support was even better! I hope we get to see those moments more often. I think Lindsay has a good balance for when Danny needs her to comfort him and when he needs her to kick his butt. Now I'd also like her to show support for Flack, because I'd love to see the writers show a bit of her friendship as well. I'm sure she'd do great with supporting him, too.

Oh, I think this pic really is from The Handler, and I agree, she looks pretty with that hairstyle. So sweet, yet hot. I love this mix of her. On the one side she is cute, on the other side she is sexy. Perfect combination! Lovely icon, carminelove15!

Isla said:
I just thought it´s a bit pity that such big personal storylines happen at the same time. I mean Lindsay´s priority is of course Danny but it really would be a great opportunity to deepen her friendship with Flack by showing him that she is there for him. And not to speak of the Danny and Flack friendship.
Btw I have to say I was also a little disappointed that we didn´t see any bantering between Lindsay and Flack about the pregnancy.

Agree, agree, agree! :D I'd like some kind of 'storyline crossovers'. You know what I mean? I want to see some friendship scenes between Flack and Lindsay where they talk about their current situations in some way, and also of course Lindsay supporting Danny. I mean, they often make us believe the team is some kind of a family, so seeing them reaching out for each other would be good.

Isla said:
"Relaaaax chiquitaaaaa" :guffaw: I really hope we see more of those two. When I only think of the "my water just broke" scene. Adam´s face was priceless:lol:

:guffaw:I was like 'What? Did he just say that?'. :lol: That was indeed priceless, such a fantastic scene! It's true, Maya, I also don't recall a scene between Adam and Lindsay that wasn't funny. They always somehow laugh and tease each other when they're on screen. We need so much more of that!
Originally Posted by Brinchen:
Agree, agree, agree! :D I'd like some kind of 'storyline crossovers'. You know what I mean? I want to see some friendship scenes between Flack and Lindsay where they talk about their current situations in some way, and also of course Lindsay supporting Danny. I mean, they often make us believe the team is some kind of a family, so seeing them reaching out for each other would be good.
The trouble I'm having with the team dynamic this season is that the one time they've ever been in a shared crisis all together, and they all seem to be splitting up and dealing with it on their own. I hope this changes soon, because you'd think if anything brought them together, it'd be this. :scream:

And they need to show Lindsay being a part of this, too! I've gotten the idea lately that she has to be asking Hawkes (or Sid, or maybe maybe Stella) for advice on how to deal with Danny, but I really wish they'd show us one of those scenes. I hope they make up for this in "Dead Reckoning" (6.04); I'd really love to see another Flack/Lindsay friendship scene again too, they've been a little thin on the ground since Lindsay got pregnant. I want someone to reach out to Flack -- no one but Mac's been doing it lately. And while I guess Lindsay might not be as close to Flack as Mac/Stella/Danny, it's not like she doesn't know what it's like to have someone you care about be shot to death. And if Lindsay could at least try reaching out to Flack, or anyone other than Danny really, that would totally make the entire season for me :lol:

Something I've been thinking about since Wednesday... Lindsay's Whitesnake T-shirt. Do you think it's actually hers, and if so, where did she get it? I love the idea that she might've gotten it at a concert back in the late eighties/early nineties :D (it was a pretty small T-shirt, even on her, so I think if she got it for herself, it must have been when she was a teenager). But she doesn't seem like someone who would be into hard rock. Maybe she's a closet fan :p Or maybe she used to like them back when her friends were alive.
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And while I guess Lindsay might not be as close to Flack as Mac/Stella/Danny, it's not like she doesn't know what it's like to have someone you care about be shot to death.

Oh, I didn't think about that yet, but you're right! I mean, we got to see how much she was still suffering from what happened to her friends. She knows how it feels like, so she would be perfect for a talk with him. Now I wish we got such a scene where she reaches out to him to talk about this topic and show him she understands.

Maya316 said:
Something I've been thinking about since Wednesday... Lindsay's Whitesnake T-shirt. Do you think it's actually hers, and if so, where did she get it? I love the idea that she might've gotten it at a concert back in the late eighties/early nineties :D (it was a pretty small T-shirt, even on her, so I think if she got it for herself, it must have been when she was a teenager). But she doesn't seem like someone who would be into hard rock. Maybe she's a closet fan :p Or maybe she used to like them back when her friends were alive

Oh, I was wondering about that, too. When I heard about it, I thought maybe the shirt belonged to Danny. But then I saw Lindsay in it, and it fitted really well, like you said, it was a very small shirt. I agree with you, I would totally love it if she got it at a concert, maybe back then in Montana? I could see her as a fan though- in my eyes she's a character that can surprise us a lot.
Originally Posted by MissCandy:
Oh, I didn't think about that yet, but you're right! I mean, we got to see how much she was still suffering from what happened to her friends. She knows how it feels like, so she would be perfect for a talk with him. Now I wish we got such a scene where she reaches out to him to talk about this topic and show him she understands.

That would be perfect! Lol, I mean I'm not exactly holding my breath, but I'm still gonna hope like hell :lol: Lindsay and Flack have the kind of dynamic where they more share jokes rather than share any genuine personal information, which I love, but I wonder if that can ever change. On the other hand, we know that he trusts her, so if she were ever to bring it up or try to reach him, I can't see him just not listening (even if he brushes her off). I think if she did, she could do it tactfully enough -- if anyone understands about withdrawing and shutting people out when dealing with pain/grief/etc, it's her (S3, remember? ;)).

Question is, would she ever reach out? And maybe before S6, I'd have said it was beyond what she was ready for -- but she really does seem to have been trying hard to show people directly when she cares, since S4 really...and its like she's gotten better at it since then. So if she could support Danny, I'm seeing no logical reason why she couldn't do the same to anyone else she cares about. Then again, she's not exactly close to Flack, so I can see how that might be a hindrance.

Oh, I was wondering about that, too. When I heard about it, I thought maybe the shirt belonged to Danny. But then I saw Lindsay in it, and it fitted really well, like you said, it was a very small shirt. I agree with you, I would totally love it if she got it at a concert, maybe back then in Montana? I could see her as a fan though- in my eyes she's a character that can surprise us a lot.

Yeah, I started thinking when it was brought up in the "Grade Blacklist" thread that the shirt might've belonged to Danny; but it was so tiny! I guess Danny could've gotten it when he was a child -- if he was a really scrawny child/teenager:lol: -- but if Lindsay were going to wear one of Danny's shirts anyway, I'd just think she'd have picked a more professional-looking one, especially to wear to work.

So IMO, she was totally that "good-girl" who was the closet-fan of rock groups :D I don't know whether Whitesnake would've ever had a concert in Montana -- between 1987-1994 (don't know exactly how old Lindsay is, but I'm assuming that would've been about the period when she was a teenager) they mostly had concerts on the east coast whenever they came to the States. [It's so sad that I actually looked this up :alienblush: *facepalm*] I'm really adoring the idea that she would've taken a road trip to see Whitesnake in concert, if she did get the shirt at a concert -- but I think she would've had to go with friends (or maybe her brothers) if she did, so it's possible one of them was the bigger fan, and she just got the shirt because she was already at the concert...then again, if you're going to pay for a concert ticket, you probably have to at least like the band (since concert tickets are expensive).

I've thought waaayy too much about this :lol:
Since she slept on her Uncle Freddie's couch in Terrytown when she came to NY it may not be too much of a stretch to think that he could have gotten the shirt for her as a gift and sent it to her when she was a teenager. That way she didn't have to be at a concert herself but got the goods because he lives on the east coast. Or she could have been in NY visiting during the summer and gone to a concert while staying at his house. I can see her making her dad take her. I'll bet she was a persistant little thing at that age.
^Aw, I've got the cutest image in my head now -- I can totally see her uncle or her dad gritting their teeth, braving the tween glam-rock crowds and the loud music to get teen!Lindsay the Whitesnake shirt because she's been begging for it for weeks. :guffaw:(Which would fit with the idea that it was a special present, another thing I've wondered; and that's why she never threw it away. Ten+ years is a really long time to keep a shirt that has no special/sentimental value, especially when you've moved across the country. I'm a little surprised that if she got the shirt as a teenager, she didn't leave it back home in Montana when she came to New York.) I love this idea, too!

Of course, the show's never specified how old her Uncle Freddy is -- it's possible that he's young enough to have gone to the concert just because he wanted to, and got the Tshirt for Lindsay because he wanted her to be a fan too. Argh! I want TPTB to give us more on this guy!

Lindsay's big gun scene coming up next episode. What're you hoping to see from it? I really want to see how she handles a gun this season -- we haven't seen her get a chance to since DOA for a Day, I think
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I think if she did, she could do it tactfully enough -- if anyone understands about withdrawing and shutting people out when dealing with pain/grief/etc, it's her (S3, remember? ;)).

Exactly. They showed how she was dealing with what happened to her friends in season 3 a lot. It was an important part for Lindsay, and I think this would be the perfect opportunity for them to bring it back. No one else but her would be more perfect to reach out to Flack. She lost her friends to a criminal, he lost his girlfriend to criminals. Also maybe this would be the chance for us to see how she dealt with it- did she only push people away, or did she more? It would be perfect for an emotional conversation between them, and we could see more of their friendship. Actually a fic about that would be really nice to read.

Maya316 said:
[It's so sad that I actually looked this up :alienblush: *facepalm*]

:lol: No, you just were faster than me, because when I wrote my post yesterday, I wanted to check that myself.

Thanks for mentioning Uncle Freddie, CSI Cupcake, I totally forgot about him! I really love the idea of her being a fan, I can totally imagine her with that shirt, being a fan of the band as a teenager. :lol: See, this is why we need more moments like that! It's always interesting to see how the characters are. I also don't think the shirt is Danny's, because it's way too small, and actually it kinda looked like a shirt for females. I just keep on believing Lindsay is a fan. :D
Originally Posted by MissCandy:
Exactly. They showed how she was dealing with what happened to her friends in season 3 a lot. It was an important part for Lindsay, and I think this would be the perfect opportunity for them to bring it back. No one else but her would be more perfect to reach out to Flack. She lost her friends to a criminal, he lost his girlfriend to criminals. Also maybe this would be the chance for us to see how she dealt with it- did she only push people away, or did she more?

I don't know if I want them to actually revisit her grief over her friends again (I liked that tiny moment in "Pay Up" where she froze over Angell's blood, but I'd rather see Lindsay positive and peppy, to be honest :D). Maybe if they showed her past having a positive effect; like making her stronger as she uses it to help Flack? Aw, I'd love to see that so much.

I have the feeling that she pushed people away -- but I actually wonder if she did a lot more than that, based on the way she's reacted to things like Lilian Stanwick's promiscuity and Stella's Frankie situation. Not that they've ever followed up on any of this :scream:. But if they ever did, it'd be the best storyline -- I wonder if she also did what Flack was doing in "Epilogue" (hooking up with random girls and no emotional attachment...only, um, guys for Lindsay :p). So if she recognizes Flack repeating her own mistakes, she could feel it's her responsibility to step in and say something.

It would be perfect for an emotional conversation between them, and we could see more of their friendship. Actually a fic about that would be really nice to read.

Yes! (And I wish I could write fic :( Flack/Lindsay connection-fic!) And the Flack/Lindsay dynamic is easily one of the best in the show, so an emotional conversation (even a similar scene like the last one we saw her in with Danny in "Epilogue) would show a natural progression in what we've seen of their friendship.

:lol: No, you just were faster than me, because when I wrote my post yesterday, I wanted to check that myself.

:lol: Nice!

Thanks for mentioning Uncle Freddie, CSI Cupcake, I totally forgot about him! I really love the idea of her being a fan, I can totally imagine her with that shirt, being a fan of the band as a teenager. :lol: See, this is why we need more moments like that!

I know, right? ;) This may be the most personal information TPTB have given us on Lindsay since they mentioned her mom in "Green Piece"; but they need to give us more of these! Like showing us Uncle Freddie...or letting us know what else was important enough for her to save from Montana for years. :D
Maybe if they showed her past having a positive effect; like making her stronger as she uses it to help Flack? Aw, I'd love to see that so much.

Oh, yes, please, can we have that? :D Really, that's kinda what I meant. I don't want her to go back into what she has been through in season 3 either, but it would be nice to see the topic coming back so we get to see how she's dealing with it now and that she can show it made her stronger (which is what I believe it did). I would love if they used that so she could help him.

Maya316 said:
I have the feeling that she pushed people away -- but I actually wonder if she did a lot more than that, based on the way she's reacted to things like Lilian Stanwick's promiscuity and Stella's Frankie situation. Not that they've ever followed up on any of this :scream:. But if they ever did, it'd be the best storyline -- I wonder if she also did what Flack was doing in "Epilogue" (hooking up with random girls and no emotional attachment...only, um, guys for Lindsay :p). So if she recognizes Flack repeating her own mistakes, she could feel it's her responsibility to step in and say something.

Ha! You mind reader! :lol: That is what I meant when I said I wonder if she did more than pushing people away. I would love to know how she acted back then when it happened and how long that went, and how she acted during the time in season 3. Now like you said, if she sees Flack acting like she did in the past, she could reach out and show him she understands because she went through the same. Oh, that would be amazing character developement for her! I love how Lindsay shows so much support for Danny. I would love to see her showing support for Flack as well.

Maya316 said:
I know, right? ;) This may be the most personal information TPTB have given us on Lindsay since they mentioned her mom in "Green Piece"; but they need to give us more of these! Like showing us Uncle Freddie...or letting us know what else was important enough for her to save from Montana for years. :D

Yes! I wanna see Uncle Freddie. Obviously he's in NY, so it shouldn't be too difficult to show him. I'd really like to know more about her, and those little personal information would be awesome for that. We know she got this car from her mother which she loved. Possibly she was a fan of that band back then when she was a teenager. Then the things with her friends also happened around that time. She has a very interesting past, and I wanna know more. Also how exactly she decided to move to NY.
Oh, yes, please, can we have that? :D Really, that's kinda what I meant. I don't want her to go back into what she has been through in season 3 either, but it would be nice to see the topic coming back so we get to see how she's dealing with it now and that she can show it made her stronger (which is what I believe it did). I would love if they used that so she could help him.
I know, it'd be great for both characters; kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. Why can't they do this, seriously? That way we'd also at least get the idea that Lindsay really is starting to let go of what happened back then in Montana, getting on with her life -- by approaching the topic in a healthy manner, and using it to help someone else. TPTB handled that storyline in S3 in the worst possible way, imo (if they had to make her secret so over-the-top, they could've at least made it come up in a realistic way); but it's possible that there's still a lot more to mine from that backstory, which would give them a chance to kind of correct that.

Ha! You mind reader! :lol:
LOL :guffaw: Great minds totally think alike!

That is what I meant when I said I wonder if she did more than pushing people away. I would love to know how she acted back then when it happened and how long that went, and how she acted during the time in season 3. Now like you said, if she sees Flack acting like she did in the past, she could reach out and show him she understands because she went through the same. Oh, that would be amazing character developement for her! I love how Lindsay shows so much support for Danny. I would love to see her showing support for Flack as well.
There's so much about the way she reacted to Danny in early S2 (and even after) that still makes me think that she'd had experience with sex relationships that had no strings/emotions attached; she finds it hard to form emotional attachments, I think. But other things we've seen about her character: like, her slight uptightness and how she's so proper sometimes... make me think the casual sex is not something that comes naturally to her. So she must have gotten that experience when she was grieving her friends. Seriously, why can't they show us something like this?! (I'm getting excited just thinking about it :lol:) And I think she's grown just enough to be able to reach out to Flack about his behaviour, if she sees him repeating her mistakes; so it's not like such a scene would be OOC, especially after "Epilogue". You could so do it, TPTB! Come on *crosses fingers*

Yes! I wanna see Uncle Freddie. Obviously he's in NY, so it shouldn't be too difficult to show him. I'd really like to know more about her, and those little personal information would be awesome for that. We know she got this car from her mother which she loved. Possibly she was a fan of that band back then when she was a teenager. Then the things with her friends also happened around that time. She has a very interesting past, and I wanna know more. Also how exactly she decided to move to NY.
Yeah -- how hard would it be to show Uncle Freddie dropping by the lab sometime, or having him involved with a case? :shifty: We saw Catherine's dad, Sam Braun on almost a seasonal basis after we found out he was her father, even though she found that out during a case.

I really liked it in "Green Piece" when she implied that her mother and her are close (close enough for her to fly home just so her mom could see her pregnant. Although I wonder why she apparently thought her mom wouldn't be completely floored by the wedding ring she'd've had on her finger when she got to Montana, since I'm not sure she gave her family so much as a text-message telling them she was about to get married :lol: ). The thing with her mom's used Pinto becomes so much more touching now that we know they're close...although she did sound a little sad in "Rush to Judgment" when talking about how her mom "tried everything" to stop smoking. I really want to see her mom! Like, as a guest-star once, maybe.

And I was sooo jumpy when I found out she had three brothers (even if we had to find that out from Danny:shifty:). On the one hand it's strange, because I'd always pictured her as an only child, which may be why she seems to find it hard to interact with people around her age. On the other hand, it could explain everything -- like how she seems so much more comfortable and easygoing with Danny and Hawkes (and even Mac) than she sometimes seems with Stella. Speaking as someone who knows, being the only girl in a family of boys frequently can seem like being an only child...especially if those brothers kind of gang up on you:lol: And it also explains how she was able to take down that guy in Zoo York :D Maybe she fought with her brothers a lot...but I prefer thinking that they were close. I wonder if they actually might've been the ones who got her into liking Whitesnake.

There's so much untapped potential here :( It's downright depressing, how little the writers use it.
Man, you're writing whole novels here! :lol: At least the site doesn't decide to log you out just the moment when you want to post a long post like it does to me sometimes. :shifty:

There's so much about the way she reacted to Danny in early S2 (and even after) that still makes me think that she'd had experience with sex relationships that had no strings/emotions attached; she finds it hard to form emotional attachments, I think. But other things we've seen about her character: like, her slight uptightness and how she's so proper sometimes... make me think the casual sex is not something that comes naturally to her. So she must have gotten that experience when she was grieving her friends. Seriously, why can't they show us something like this?! (I'm getting excited just thinking about it :lol:) And I think she's grown just enough to be able to reach out to Flack about his behaviour, if she sees him repeating her mistakes; so it's not like such a scene would be OOC, especially after "Epilogue". You could so do it, TPTB! Come on *crosses fingers*

Ha, it's not just me who was wondering about that! :lol: I really wonder how she's been back then, what kind of relationships she's had, etc. I could imagine she had a difficult time with letting people in after such a traumatic experience (I mean, she lost all of her close friends!). I agree that it wouldn't be OOC if she could understand Flack's reactions and could show that to him. This would give us such a great insight into her and we could learn more about her. To me, Lindsay is the most interesting character in the show, because to me it seems she has a lot of different sides which I would love to see. Anna portrays her so well, and also all the different emotions- when she's bantering with others, when she's serious, when she's sad, when she's happy. She is fantastic with portraying Lindsay and I really want that we get to see more of her character.

Maya316 said:
(close enough for her to fly home just so her mom could see her pregnant. Although I wonder why she apparently thought her mom wouldn't be completely floored by the wedding ring she'd've had on her finger when she got to Montana, since I'm not sure she gave her family so much as a text-message telling them she was about to get married :lol: )

:lol: I really wish we knew how her parents reacted! First off, I find it totally cute that Lindsay wants to see their daughter pregnant later and wants to show it to her Mom. But yeah, they married the day before she flew to Montana, so I really did her parents and three brothers react? :guffaw: Man, why don't we ever get to see the really funny scenes?

Maya316 said:
And I was sooo jumpy when I found out she had three brothers (even if we had to find that out from Danny:shifty:).

:guffaw:That scene! Sorry, but it always makes me laugh- Danny's explanation that his mother only had boys and Lindsay's mother had three. But yeah, her mother also had Lindsay, right, so it is possible to have a girl no matter how many boys you have. :guffaw: I really love this scene.

Maya316 said:
On the one hand it's strange, because I'd always pictured her as an only child, which may be why she seems to find it hard to interact with people around her age. On the other hand, it could explain everything -- like how she seems so much more comfortable and easygoing with Danny and Hawkes (and even Mac) than she sometimes seems with Stella. Speaking as someone who knows, being the only girl in a family of boys frequently can seem like being an only child...especially if those brothers kind of gang up on you:lol: And it also explains how she was able to take down that guy in Zoo York :D Maybe she fought with her brothers a lot...but I prefer thinking that they were close. I wonder if they actually might've been the ones who got her into liking Whitesnake.

Oh yes! That explains a lot. Maybe also why she got her pocket knife and all that stuff. But really, we have some nice, interesting information about her, no matter how tiny they were. We know what happened to her friends when she was a teenager. She seems to be close to her Mom, to her Dad possibly as well (because of the presents and possibly her pocket knife from Zoo York was the one he gave to her?) but that the relationship to him possibly is a bit complicated (aka her reactions in Stealing Home), she has three brothers and an Uncle in NY, and possibly she is/was a Whitesnake fan. Now what I really wanna know is what we discussed earlier. I think she had a hard time with letting people in. Now she's married though and being pretty open to Danny, so it seems like Lindsay changed a lot since then. I really want to see her reaching out to Flack and being a supporter for him, because I think that she would be great for that. Please! Like you said, we could get to see that now she's dealing with it in a healthy manner and that she uses her own experiences to help.

ETA: It did it again! :lol: It logged me out because I posted too long. *cries*
Originally Posted by MissCandy:
Man, you're writing whole novels here! :lol: At least the site doesn't decide to log you out just the moment when you want to post a long post like it does to me sometimes. :shifty:
Hahaha, no I definitely get logged out :lol: I just log right back in 'cause I can't stop with the long posts :alienblush: (serious--I think I was trying to be concise in my last one:eek:).

Ha, it's not just me who was wondering about that! :lol: I really wonder how she's been back then, what kind of relationships she's had, etc. I could imagine she had a difficult time with letting people in after such a traumatic experience (I mean, she lost all of her close friends!). I agree that it wouldn't be OOC if she could understand Flack's reactions and could show that to him. This would give us such a great insight into her and we could learn more about her. To me, Lindsay is the most interesting character in the show, because to me it seems she has a lot of different sides which I would love to see. Anna portrays her so well, and also all the different emotions- when she's bantering with others, when she's serious, when she's sad, when she's happy. She is fantastic with portraying Lindsay and I really want that we get to see more of her character.
Yeah -- Anna Belknap usually is the one thing that manages to make Lindsay come off as a believable character sometimes, because there are certain things about her that would make her come off as unrealistically perfect otherwise.

And she's easily the most interesting character on the show. I wasn't exactly fond of her backstory, but I think her friends (the ones that died in the diner) must have been very, very important to her; especially if she's the only girl in her family, other than her mother they were probably the only other female connections she'd managed to form successfully. Something else that might explain why she's sometimes awkward around Stella, even though Stella's so visibly fond of her. She has no sisters, and the closest people she had to sisters died violently when she was a teen. I can totally see why she might be awkward with female companionship. And I wonder if that's why she might've turned to casual sex when her friends died -- if she did, of course. It's very unfair that we don't actually know yet :lol: This is exactly what they should have focused on in S3; explaining if what happened back then still impacts her current relationships.

:lol: I really wish we knew how her parents reacted! First off, I find it totally cute that Lindsay wants to see their daughter pregnant later and wants to show it to her Mom. But yeah, they married the day before she flew to Montana, so I really did her parents and three brothers react? :guffaw: Man, why don't we ever get to see the really funny scenes?
Actually...I wonder if that's why we heard Danny making all those bad in-law jokes in Season 5. I could totally see it if Lindsay's family might not trust him -- to say the least -- especially if they don't really know him. And if they actually told him that, or implied that, I think it'd make things...awkward. :guffaw: Although Lindsay did make her own choice there -- lol, I really wonder if she spent whole parts of that trip to Montana getting yelled at by her parents/brothers for getting married to (and/or being pregnant with) a guy they've possibly never even heard of before. Especially with how close Lindsay apparently is with her mom, I can't see her mom not being a little stung about not even being told about the wedding until it was long over. I know my mom would've been hollering for days if I did the same :lol: And that would have been hilarious. It's criminal that TPTB didn't show us that; especially since I heard somewhere they were originally planning to show Lindsay's family during the whole pregnancy storyline. *cries*

:guffaw:That scene! Sorry, but it always makes me laugh- Danny's explanation that his mother only had boys and Lindsay's mother had three. But yeah, her mother also had Lindsay, right, so it is possible to have a girl no matter how many boys you have. :guffaw: I really love this scene.
Urgh...I was all, "yeah, that's how genetics work" :rolleyes: when Danny brought it up; but in all fairness, I guess it wasn't the most out there assumption to make. :lol: And it's kind of what made me think Lindsay has to be the only girl in her immediate family....I can't see Danny being as confident of only having a boy if Lindsay had a sister. 2 girls vs. 3 boys, aren't exactly the best odds.

Oh yes! That explains a lot. Maybe also why she got her pocket knife and all that stuff. But really, we have some nice, interesting information about her, no matter how tiny they were. We know what happened to her friends when she was a teenager. She seems to be close to her Mom, to her Dad possibly as well (because of the presents and possibly her pocket knife from Zoo York was the one he gave to her?) but that the relationship to him possibly is a bit complicated (aka her reactions in Stealing Home), she has three brothers and an Uncle in NY, and possibly she is/was a Whitesnake fan.
Yeah, I'm really loving the tiny nuggets of personal info on her that we've been getting, especially these past two seasons -- it's like TPTB are finally getting that we want to know about Lindsay. When we got that little scene from "Lat/Long" with Lindsay and Stella swapping pen-pal info, I was cheering so much; like "Yes! They did it again!" I love that Lindsay had a makes her so, so ordinary, and a little adorably geeky to be honest :lol: I thought it was sweet.

Now if only they could give us more, like telling us for sure what makes her tick, and why.

And yeah, I think the buck knife in "Zoo York" had to be the same one her dad gave her when she turned nine. Unless she's been collecting them over the years :lol: It would make Lindsay like, fifteen more different kinds of awesome if she was with knives the way Calleigh from CSI: Miami is with guns. :D

Crossing fingers again that they'll (TPTB) please please listen to us on this! And that my post isn't too long again :p

ETA: Nope, still on the long side :alienblush::lol: I need help...
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Hahaha, no I definitely get logged out :lol: I just log right back in 'cause I can't stop with the long posts :alienblush: (serious--I think I was trying to be concise in my last one:eek:).

:lol: Honestly? I love those long posts. Makes me write a lot more myself.

Maya316 said:
And she's easily the most interesting character on the show. I wasn't exactly fond of her backstory, but I think her friends (the ones that died in the diner) must have been very, very important to her; especially if she's the only girl in her family, other than her mother they were probably the only other female connections she'd managed to form successfully. Something else that might explain why she's sometimes awkward around Stella, even though Stella's so visibly fond of her. She has no sisters, and the closest people she had to sisters died violently when she was a teen. I can totally see why she might be awkward with female companionship. And I wonder if that's why she might've turned to casual sex when her friends died -- if she did, of course. It's very unfair that we don't actually know yet :lol: This is exactly what they should have focused on in S3; explaining if what happened back then still impacts her current relationships.

Hey, who knows, maybe one day we'll get to hear about that. I mean, they seem to like to drop information about her here and there. I agree that I wish we got to see how the murder of her close friends affects her relationships with others. They have to have been really close, because in her trial she said that they were sad because they would have to spend the holidays apart and that they have never done that before. That would really explain why she is hesitant towards Stella. And combined with that she has three brothers and is used to being around men, it would explain why Lindsay has it easier with them, especially with Danny and Hawkes.

Maya316 said:
Actually...I wonder if that's why we heard Danny making all those bad in-law jokes in Season 5. I could totally see it if Lindsay's family might not trust him -- to say the least -- especially if they don't really know him. And if they actually told him that, or implied that, I think it'd make things...awkward. :guffaw: Although Lindsay did make her own choice there -- lol, I really wonder if she spent whole parts of that trip to Montana getting yelled at by her parents/brothers for getting married to (and/or being pregnant with) a guy they've possibly never even heard of before. Especially with how close Lindsay apparently is with her mom, I can't see her mom not being a little stung about not even being told about the wedding until it was long over. I know my mom would've been hollering for days if I did the same :lol: And that would have been hilarious. It's criminal that TPTB didn't show us that; especially since I heard somewhere they were originally planning to show Lindsay's family during the whole pregnancy storyline. *cries*

:guffaw: *cries as well* Seriously! I wanted to see that as well. Like a little flashback. Obviously Danny and Lindsay called each other or text messaged a lot, so it would have been nice if we got to see a scene in which he asked her how her family reacted and where she told him they freaked out/were happy/want to see him whatever.

Maya316 said:
Yeah, I'm really loving the tiny nuggets of personal info on her that we've been getting, especially these past two seasons -- it's like TPTB are finally getting that we want to know about Lindsay. When we got that little scene from "Lat/Long" with Lindsay and Stella swapping pen-pal info, I was cheering so much; like "Yes! They did it again!" I love that Lindsay had a makes her so, so ordinary, and a little adorably geeky to be honest :lol: I thought it was sweet.

Absolutely! I think I missed that scene (gah, need to rewatch them again), but that is just too cute. I really loved this conversation between them again- it's always adorable to see Stella and Lindsay chatting, and those information were cute. I agree, I love it as well.

Maya316 said:
And yeah, I think the buck knife in "Zoo York" had to be the same one her dad gave her when she turned nine. Unless she's been collecting them over the years :lol: It would make Lindsay like, fifteen more different kinds of awesome if she was with knives the way Calleigh from CSI: Miami is with guns. :D

Honestly, I think she is this kind of a woman. I don't know, you ever got to see our 'Weapons Lindsay is good with' list? :lol: She can use the knife, and I bet she has more than one (especially because this one was a really big one she used in Zoo York). What exactly did Danny say in that scene again? That she got her first pocket knife, or just that Lindsay got a pocket knife from her Dad? Ah, whatever, she can use knives and slingshots. Oh! Another information! Lindsay shot boys with her slingshot! Possibly even her brothers? :lol: Also I think she said 'we were used to shoot boys'? (I really need to check all those scenes). Maybe another thing she did together with her friends.

Maya316 said:
Crossing fingers again that they'll (TPTB) please please listen to us on this! And that my post isn't too long again :p

ETA: Nope, still on the long side :alienblush::lol: I need help...

:lol: So is mine! I better copy my post or it'll disappear again when I try to post it. ;) But hey, it's a fantastic discussion we have going here! I love it.

v*a**l*y said:
I quote both of you would be nice to see all her family, especially her brothers with Danny :guffaw:

Absolutely! That would be such an awesome scene. *crosses fingers*
Originally Posted by MissCandy:

:lol: Honestly? I love those long posts. Makes me write a lot more myself.
Ahh, I feel so much better :lol:;) Honestly, it's just because there's so much to write about this character -- TPTB leave so much unsaid.

Hey, who knows, maybe one day we'll get to hear about that. I mean, they seem to like to drop information about her here and there. I agree that I wish we got to see how the murder of her close friends affects her relationships with others. They have to have been really close, because in her trial she said that they were sad because they would have to spend the holidays apart and that they have never done that before. That would really explain why she is hesitant towards Stella. And combined with that she has three brothers and is used to being around men, it would explain why Lindsay has it easier with them, especially with Danny and Hawkes.
And Adam! That's something else that I was thinking about -- because I find it so interesting that she and Adam seem like genuinely close friends a lot of the time, even though the way she treats him can be a little on the impatient/mean side sometimes. You'd think with any other two people, a dynamic like this would indicate that they don't like each other, or that they're uncomfortable around each other at the very least. But Adam's always searching Lindsay out to tell her the latest thing he's found out about a case (or just to tell her what's wrong with his ipod :lol:), and it's like he's always trying to make her laugh -- and usually she does (other than Danny, and possibly Stella, I can't think of any other character she's so often amused with, or by :D). Just watching any of their scenes shows how fond they are of each other. And she knows his home phone number!! Seriously, I think she has to at least have a younger brother, if not one that's a lot like Adam. They play off of each other so well. TPTB have to give us more of that. My dream Adam/Lindsay scene would be us finding out she spent the day (or the weekend!) playing Guitar Hero over at his place:p Yeah, I know with Lucy it's probably unlikely she can take a day off for herself like that, but I'm still hoping. And honestly, next to Adam she is so the character who's most likely to be into video games.

And I think TPTB may finally be getting the idea that we want to know about Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay; not just about what she's doing with Danny. They have a long way to go, but they've been dropping some good stuff these past few years, and I'm hoping they'll come back to her backstory and maybe show us how she's grown from it. Fix the mess they made in S3! (I was actually loving Lindsay's storyline in late S2/early S3, up until it seemed to revert to another plot device to keep DL apart.) I also remember that line from the trial, about her friends being sad about spending the summer apart. You know what that reminded me of so much? The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. And I get the strong feeling that Lindsay had exactly that kind of relationship with her friends.

:guffaw: *cries as well* Seriously! I wanted to see that as well. Like a little flashback. Obviously Danny and Lindsay called each other or text messaged a lot, so it would have been nice if we got to see a scene in which he asked her how her family reacted and where she told him they freaked out/were happy/want to see him whatever.
Lol...I think I'd have liked to see a scene where one of her family maybe snatched the phone from her when she was on the line with him -- so they could finally "meet" this guy, or at least hear what he sounded like :guffaw:Would've been funny and had potential for character development, it could've been so easy to do! :shifty:

Absolutely! I think I missed that scene (gah, need to rewatch them again), but that is just too cute. I really loved this conversation between them again- it's always adorable to see Stella and Lindsay chatting, and those information were cute. I agree, I love it as well.
I love, love, love Stella/Lindsay scenes like nothing else -- I really think that there's no one Lindsay so badly wants to befriend more than Stella; and it's so refreshing because it seems to be something she wants just all on her own, just for herself (I mean, I think Lindsay tried hard to form a dynamic with Flack too, but on some level I think that might've been because he's Danny's best friend). I can't help rooting hard for that. They've come such a long way since they first met, in some ways, but in others they're just not quite there yet -- and I think they'd get there, if TPTB would just show them in more scenes together! I love how Stella's always so amused by Lindsay -- she's always kind of looking at her with this "who is this girl, and what's with her?" face:guffaw:I think when they get there, they'll have this amazing, big-sister/little-sister friendship. It's absolutely hilarious. And yeah, the pen-pal scene was awesome (because Stella was making the exact same face, especially when she finally asked why Lindsay wanted to know about her pen-pal).

Honestly, I think she is this kind of a woman. I don't know, you ever got to see our 'Weapons Lindsay is good with' list? :lol: She can use the knife, and I bet she has more than one (especially because this one was a really big one she used in Zoo York). What exactly did Danny say in that scene again? That she got her first pocket knife, or just that Lindsay got a pocket knife from her Dad? Ah, whatever, she can use knives and slingshots. Oh! Another information! Lindsay shot boys with her slingshot! Possibly even her brothers? :lol: Also I think she said 'we were used to shoot boys'? (I really need to check all those scenes). Maybe another thing she did together with her friends.
*squeals* I'm hunting down that list just as soon as I finish this post! There's the knife, the slingshot, guns (although with the diner shooting as a teen, I wonder about this)...what else? I remember Danny saying her "dad got her a fly fishing rod for her eight birthday, and a buck knife for her ninth"...but he never specified whether it was her first :D So maybe it wasn't -- yeah, I really could see her with this awesome collection of weapons just hiding in her closet, waiting for some perp to break in :lol:

And you know she and her friends totally used to watch "Dennis the Menace" reruns, and then whip out their slingshots and hunt all the guys in school to practice ;):lol: I really think she was a cartoon junkie back then (still is, most likely).

:lol: So is mine! I better copy my post or it'll disappear again when I try to post it. ;) But hey, it's a fantastic discussion we have going here! I love it.
Exactly! (And my post is so going to go long again...) But there's just so much to talk about with Lindsay! And yeah, I'm really loving the discussion too ;)

Originally Posted by v*a**l*y
I quote both of you would be nice to see all her family, especially her brothers with Danny :guffaw:
Absolutely! That would be such an awesome scene. *crosses fingers*
Hey, you think if we say it enough times and chant a little, they'll finally listen to us and do a scene like this?:lol: Or even just a quick scene with her and her mom/dad/uncle?