Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

Just seen the sneak peak posted on youtube and Lindsa'sy rant about how she's not going to a good mother is so cute and funny. I love how Stella is just sort of looking at her like she's completely losing the plot as she rambles on. I'm really looking forward to the episode looks like it's going to have quite a bit of humour in it :lol:
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I really liked the ep. I thought Anna did a really good job in the labour scene, really realistic. It didn't dominate the episode which was good in one way but I still wanted more Lindsay. Found it funny that she wanted anyone but Adam to drive her to the hospital (don't get me wrong I love Adam but he isn't the guy you want in those sort of situations)
Have to agree with you, Anna was great. I´m glad that Lindsay is finally back.
I liked the Stella and Lindsay scene. It was nice to see more of the baby storyline from Lindsay´s point of view. It really was high time for it. It was totally understandable to me that she was scared of being a mom, especially when it´s so close to the birth.
The labour scene was very realistic to me.
I also liked that everyone was asking for Lindsay. It really showed how close the team is.

Ok, according to the spoilers Lindsay will be back at work in the finale episode. I wonder if we´ll see her in the next epiode. If there isn´t a change in the time line she should be on maternity leave, or? But I´m hoping she will be in the next episode.
I loved the episode! I was so looking forward to it and it was exactly how I expected it and how I wanted it to be. You could clearly see how nervous she was; at the beginning at the lab (no surprise when you arrive there and then something like that happens!) and later at the hospital while talking to Stella. Like Stella said- the fact that she was thinking about all that shows she'll be fine. I agree, the labour scene was very realistic. Anna was amazing in this episode and I'm so happy Lindsay is back! Yay! And of course the team moment was perfect!
^^^i know..anna was absolutely amazing. She just really brighten up the show for had been too long a stretch without seeing her..and wow didn't she just prove why I love her so much..Bring on some more lindsay!!
A very realistic epi for lindsay .. Fantastic .. !!
her ranting at Adam .. I dont know yy the ppl are blaming her .. Tara she doesnt Hait AJ Buckley .. ITS the writers .. Plus it got off kinda cuute .. :p .. !!

The pregnancy was very realistic and how excited was danny .. Who was absolutly gr8 in this epi .. :) .. !!
Hey guys! Haven't been over here in a while. I've been hanging out in the anti-Lindsay thread trying to figure out why they don't like like her. Everyone was real nice to me, but...we didn't find much to agree about except that we disagree on some basic things. I hope you don't mind if I hop back in here for a while.

I liked Lindsay alot in Greater Good. She was spot on with her acting, and very realistic with the birth. After seeing what everyone thought of it, good and bad, I asked my husband to watch it and I asked him what he thought. He didn't think she was being mean to Adam at all. He said it was funny, which is what I thought. And he's pretty objective, with little investment in any one character.

Bless Adam's heart, he does tend to ramble on...with voice effects and everything. I probably would have said something along the same lines. She also seemed to have a moment of regret when she said "this isn't the way I imagined this happening." I kind of took that as an off-handed "sorry, I snapped at you but..." kind of remark.

I really hope the wardrobe people give her some cool clothes this next season now that Anna isn't pregnant anymore. The prettiest I have seen her in all four seasons was in the lavender sweater and short hair in S4 when Danny saw Ruben come through the morgue. She was BEAUTIFUL in that color with the makeup they had her in. Hopefully, they will do something like that again for her.
I have not posted in a long time. Thought I stop by and say im happy that Lindsay is back!!!!

I think Danny and Lindsay made a cute baby girl (lucy)!!!
Cant wait till we see what happens tonight and im also alittle scared:(
Yay! They put Anna/Lindsay in purple in this episode. I think it is one of her best colors and does wonders to highlight her eyes. I am going to believe they did that just for me.:)

It was good to see Lindsay back in the lab, happy and doing what she does best. Married life seems to agree with her and life with Danny as a dad is going to be fun.
Does anyone know if Anna Belknap has signed a contract to stay on the show???

I cant wait till next season I really hope they give her some good storylines that dont involve Danny or the Baby:)
hey new here but i'm a big Anna fan love lindsay and danny.

i've read a few spoilers that say hill, carmine and anna all signed til season 6 but you never know thats the problem with the net someone can start a rumor and it goes on and on until it's something else . lol

debs x
I love Anna/Lindsay!

She is one hilarious girl and not to mention a tough country girl too! GO MONTANA!!!

And that cute baby girl....awwwww little sweet Lucy!

More family Messer next season!

Oh and Lindsay's answer when Mac asks where Lucy is......classic!

Guess there's no question where Lucy's gonna grow up to be! just like her Mama and Papa!