Hey guys! Haven't been over here in a while. I've been hanging out in the anti-Lindsay thread trying to figure out why they don't like like her. Everyone was real nice to me, but...we didn't find much to agree about except that we disagree on some basic things. I hope you don't mind if I hop back in here for a while.
I liked Lindsay alot in Greater Good. She was spot on with her acting, and very realistic with the birth. After seeing what everyone thought of it, good and bad, I asked my husband to watch it and I asked him what he thought. He didn't think she was being mean to Adam at all. He said it was funny, which is what I thought. And he's pretty objective, with little investment in any one character.
Bless Adam's heart, he does tend to ramble on...with voice effects and everything. I probably would have said something along the same lines. She also seemed to have a moment of regret when she said "this isn't the way I imagined this happening." I kind of took that as an off-handed "sorry, I snapped at you but..." kind of remark.
I really hope the wardrobe people give her some cool clothes this next season now that Anna isn't pregnant anymore. The prettiest I have seen her in all four seasons was in the lavender sweater and short hair in S4 when Danny saw Ruben come through the morgue. She was BEAUTIFUL in that color with the makeup they had her in. Hopefully, they will do something like that again for her.