Gosh is it Wednesday yet? (Well Thursday for me).This season is going to be interesting if the spoilers about Lindsay being pregnant are correct. I really hope they are... I'd love to see how TPTB handle a stoyline like this. I also hope that she isn't left to do paperwork, that would be so boring, I want to see Anna showing off jsu how great an actress she is... Like you said LME, I can also imagine Sid or Mac telling her off for doing anything that might put her in any kind of danger, maybe Hawkes too, seeing as her used to be a doctor. I can't wait to see how all of the team deal with something like this...
I really hope the writers take this story well. I am so worried with how they handled Lindsay in the past they are just going to ignore it. But having a pregnancy is such a big plot that it would be a joke if they do that. This is such a serious character development and I hope the people behind the show can realize that. I really think this is Anna's chance to shine because this sounds like a very intense plot for her! I for one can't wait!
I am vibing on amazing stuff for Anna this season and its killing me that its not Wednesday yet