American Idol

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I feel for Kelli. She's so dense.. people are always pickin' on Pickler, and she never has a clue. She can sure sing though!
Yeah, and I fear that Kellie won't get a fair chance because she looks so much and sounds so much like Carrie Underwood.

I like Taylor too, but he is freaking weird!!!

Ace is hot and he's OK, but he'll never make it to the end. Can't stand Bucky!
Oh my favourite is easily Chris D. He has the looks(he reminds me of Vin Diesel) and he has the sexy rocker voice too. A lot of people are saying that he's the best male on the show and I agree. My other favourites are Madisa(sp) and Katherine. Who else caught Constantine Maroulis in the crowd tonight? *drool*
I just don't like Katherine's attitude, or the chicken little guy, Kevin. I like Madesa, Paris, Chris (gotta win) and Kelli is growing on me. Her naivety is endearing, I suppose, and she's not as full of herself as some of the other contestants. Vocally, though, from the beginning I thought it'd be down to Katherine and Chris. We'll see, I suppose.

Oh, and hopefully Kevin, Bucky, and Taylor will be off the show soon. I LIKE Taylor, but I don't think he'll cut it. Kevin's voice is way too immature, as is he, and I don't like Bucky's voice because he pushes it to this raspy, hard edge, when his natural voice is actually sweet... and I wish he'd show off more of that.
I think Taylor's so super sexy... but I doubt he'll make it much farther. Which saddens me.

I really liked Kevin at first, but the longer the show goes on, the more irritating he becomes. He can sure sing, but he isn't any pop star. Bucky's creepy.

I have to reiterate, I think it borders on offensive how everyone (particularly Ryan) completely belittle Kelli. She may not be the brightes bulb in the drawer, but she doesn't deserve to be ridiculed, even if it is in "good fun".

One more thing, I'm loving the dynamic between Paula and Simon this year. It's adorable. But Paula's so flighty, I think she must be back on those "pain meds", if you know what I mean....

Alyssa, I just figured out that your avvie is from Firefly.. rock on, girl!
Thanks ziggy! I make 'em. If you want the link, pm me and I'll send it to ya!

I'm with you: Kevin seemed deceptively cute at first... but he's soooo full of himself! Same with Katherine, which sucks because she is one of the strongest female vocalists there.

Tonight, though, was so strange. Katherine, Elliott and a few others, but those two stick out, did NOT do well tonight. Their performances were off, and both the above-mentioned went so sharp at points, it was hard to listen to, yet all three judges praised them, called them "perfect" and it was driving me NUTS! I was hoping AT LEAST Simon, "Mr. Mean" would pick up on it, and we're not talking 5 seconds of being off-key, here! Ack!

Ah well... It's in America's hands.
i love paris and katherine, cant stand Kelli - seriously, shes been to school right? 19 isnt she or 17? either way she has to have sat through her GCSEs so she cant be THAT thick - shes just trying to be the sweet innocent blonde but now its so annoying, like jessica simpson...
I love taylor too he is awesome! love his dance moves!! lol and chicken little bugs me, hes all like -' oooo im a sex symbol...' yeah whatever, he acts like hes not being sarcastic...
It's defenitely Bucky's turn to go. And if not him, then Kevin. My favorites last night were Mandisa and Chris. Chris was! He took I Walk The Line and turned it into a very cool and haunting song and it worked! It was sooo good. And Mandisa is always good but she just put so much into that song. Kellie did really good too. I love the song Walkin' After Midnight and it was so perfect for her. Ace did good too. And Taylor was just so Taylor. He's so cool.
I didnt watch last night but I heard it was intresting. I want chris to win so badly. He's got talent and he's really nice. I dont like what paula's said behind his back though egh!!!!
My fave hands down is Chris D. He took one of my fave songs last night "I Walk the Line" and took it in a total different way. I love Johnny Cash and Chris had a way of reminding me of Johnny when he sang the song last night.
I don't think Kevin's going anywhere for a while...He's VoteForTheWorst's current pick.

Chris was the best last night. He doesn't try to imitate the original like some of the other people do. I liked Taylor and Katherine too. They have awesome voices.
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