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Calihan said:
GumDrops said:
Especially with a couple stories (Yo-Bling is done becoming soft porn by now, I expect), does that include some erm...for lack of a better word... gruesome scenes?


What stories, and where can I find these "Yo-Bling" stories.

Sounds like ur the resident Perve...haha jkjk
Ah, question.
For my fanfiction, I have a, um, *ahem.* fantasy scene where the character is fully imagining something, but it's not actually happening, and then he gets snapped back to reality before it gets too... ah, out of hand.

What is... your take... on that? xD
Why don't you pm it to me and I'll help you determine if it's alright or not :D Or if you have other questions you can contact either one of our mods, they'd be happy to help as well. :D
What about murder and gore and etc?
You know, like how the real CSI is pretty gorey and nasty, can we incorporate that into our stories as well?

Not like graphic descriptions of every single blood & gore scenerio, but at least descriptions and such?
Since i am new here, I have no intention of using dirrty words when i type up a fanfiction, plus Im not a potty mouth[[laughs and winks]]!
If I were to write fanfiction, would someone be available to read it (bit by bit) to ensure I'm not getting too graphic (in any form) for this forum?

Oouga said:
If I were to write fanfiction, would someone be available to read it (bit by bit) to ensure I'm not getting too graphic (in any form) for this forum?


You can PM it to me ;)