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Just a friendly reminder. Keep the stories clean. I'm minding the shop for a bit here and I really won't be happy if I see what is explicit sex scenes. That is something that is not supposed to be happening and I'm getting reports that it is.

Keep things PG-13. Which means, you're not having graphic makeout scenes.

Thanks for your cooperation.
My current one is clean of explicit sex, (there's not even a female in it yet) But, the boys do have potty-mouths. That okay? :confused: :lol:
^I'm sure you're story is clean..but your AVI might need a PG 13 like!!!

So I can't post a Nick raving and ranting to his bald cat story..
I hate to go all Bill Clinton on ya, but define "graphic makeout scenes."
See, I have this story I'm working on (g3... woot!) and it's PG13. Problem is, it has unheard of amounts of UST and Greg has some naughty thoughts (no worries, nobody has genetilia and all limbs remain attached to their proper owners). And there's some other stuff too... but the thing is, it's all PG13 rated, none of it worse than the show (yes, including the episodes that start with the little black screen that says "DUE TO ADULT CONTENT
VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED." It's not my fault they forgot the damned comma). There is a lot of it, though, which is why I'm worried. I AM CSIFiles' resident pervert, but I don't want to be banned from such a nice forum. :(
TBonz said:
Keep things PG-13. Which means, you're not having graphic makeout scenes.

If anyone wants to read CSI stories with graphc scenes, PM me. I'll send you a link to the site I know and love. :)
Ok, so we keep 'er under PG-13? DAMN! No I'm joking, it's not a bad idea, especially with a couple stories (Yo-Bling is done becoming soft porn by now, I expect), does that include some erm...for lack of a better word... gruesome scenes?

GumDrops said:
Especially with a couple stories (Yo-Bling is done becoming soft porn by now, I expect), does that include some erm...for lack of a better word... gruesome scenes?


What stories, and where can I find these "Yo-Bling" stories.
Search it. I made an oops though. It's not Yo-Bling. I meant to say Yo-Bang. hopefully should clear things up. Sorry
Hey, TBonz I've got a question. What about explitives (cuss words) and the like? I mean, I have no intention of writing any smut or anything like that, but just what are your limits on the Seven Dirty Words You Can't Say On Television?
trent_bowie said:
Hey, TBonz I've got a question. What about explitives (cuss words) and the like? I mean, I have no intention of writing any smut or anything like that, but just what are your limits on the Seven Dirty Words You Can't Say On Television?

I was wondering that too. Nothing too explicit, nothing you couldn't see the characters say, but they DO swear in the shows. Just a question?
I have a story to post, or a partical one
it has TWO words in it... and an implied love scene
where you get the idea of what is going on..
I'm sure it would be PG-13 but what about the word that describes a female anatomy?