*All New* Miami Caption Mania!


Colonial Fleet Librarian
Premium Member
Hi everyone! :) I will repost what I have just posted in the previous 'Miami Caption Mania' thread as we've decided to 'tweak' the thread format:

We thought we should do away with the polls and voting, and not have a winner as such. Once every couple of days, Thumpy or I will post a picture for everyone to caption at their leisure. Rather like the Caption thread in the NY Forum for those who know it.

We hope everyone is happy with that. As jorja_fan and Lost2MuchSpeed were the winners of the final poll, if either of you would like to pm a picture to either of us Mods, we will use your pics in the new thread.

Here's a reminder of a few things to keep in mind to ensure we all have fun!

Caption Mania Guidelines

1. Remember the PG-13 O’Meter is watching. So, nothing too explicit or suggestive please. We do have younger members here, and we want everyone to be able to join in on the fun.

2. Keep it friendly. Bear in mind when posting your submissions that every character, past and present, has fans who love them. Slight digs for comedic effect are ok, but before you post, decide if what you are about to type would upset you if it were said about your favorite character. If it would, it’s probably best not to post it.

3. Let’s try to keep shipper type submissions to a minimum. This insures the enjoyment of all members, shippers and non-shippers alike. For those who like shipper type captions, Shipper Central has its very own Caption Thread up and running, just be sure to read any rules set up by the mods of that forum before participating. ;)

Thanks. :D

Okay, so I had better post a picture to kick thing off! Here we go.....

Delko: Well, Calleigh, this skipper we are about to meet says that we can take a three hour tour with him and his first mate, Gilligan. Also, there will be...
Eric: Cal, why the hell are you wearing all back? It's not a funeral!

Calleigh: God, Eric, you're so heartless! It was the most beautiful 22 mm I had ever seen! *sigh* Why did the suspect have to throw it in the water?
heeyy, i'll post a pic to a mod just after i've entered this.
no worries, i know i can't enter, being a winner, but its jsut for fun!

Eric: *sings* CAAN you feel, the loove tonight
Calleigh: Dear god his singing is horrible
Eric: (singing) Ooh baby love, my baby love, I need you, oh how I need you, but all you do is treat me bad, break my heart and leave me sad...

Calleigh: Where are those snipers when I need them?

ETA: Oh man, you beat me to the punch, Lost2MuchSpeed! Great minds think alike? :D
teehee tell ya what. since i cant compete anyway as i won last time, you can get my votes.
obviously as we have great minds it would've won:p
So this is not much different than the "Quotes you won't hear" thread then, right? Except that this one has a picture up for quotes? *wondering*
It's okay for you to compete now Lost2MuchSpeed as we are no longer doing the polls/voting. Everyone can join in. :)

zippy, yes, that's correct! Thumpy and I will change the picture every couple of days. ;)
Delko: *looks down Calleigh's shirt, thinking* Is that a sport bra?

Calleigh: *notices Delko through a piece of glass on the ground and smacks him*
Eric: Look, I'm sorry no one told you that today's colour of the day is white!
Calleigh: Hmph! You and Ryan never tell me anything!
Just quoting what Lucy posted in the first post:

As jorja_fan and Lost2MuchSpeed were the winners of the final poll, if either of you would like to pm a picture to either of us Mods, we will use your pics in the new thread.

That being said I am quite happy to post the next pic submitted by Lost2MuchSpeed. :D

Caption Me!
Horatio: Who put this tree in my way. I'm supposed to walk here. I think I'll just move it over there.

=== or ===

David Caruso: These color coordinated episodes are getting out of hand. Now they are matching the wardrobes to the trees.

=== or ===

Horatio: Eric, I have discovered little holes in this tree that are relevant to the case. I think the suspect is Woody Woodpecker.