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"I was amost killed!!!" screamed Brass and Leonardo showed up screaming; "And I'm the king of the world!!!" before he looked around. "Sorry," he said, "Wrong crowd," and left. Meanwhile...
Just then, the sheriff appeared along with Ecklie. The sheriff yelled, "You're all fired!" While Ecklie just laughed evilly.
"I am the sherrif!" he replied but he hesitated, looking at Warrick. "Have you got a bikini for me too?" he asked him and Ecklie...
said 'abra cadabra' and the CSIs stopped their crazy antics. "Woah... what just happened?" Grissom asked.
"Eckley just performed his magic act" answered Greg, who was wearing a swami's turban for the occasion.
"Wait a sec! I missed this one, is still behaving like a mad man..." Ecklie said, as he hit Greg on his head with the yellow pages, causing Greg to
Fall down while his swami turban followed him, landing with a loud plop. Nick looked at Warrick, "Dude, that bikini is not cool," he told him and...
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