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((well duh I wanna make this GSR! :D))

"It's Ecklie's mind control thing! You aren't really in love with Brass! He's too old for you anyway!" Grissom said, then he realized he had grey hair and he was probably older than Brass.
"Hello!!!" Nick said, "I gave birth to a footbal for crying out loud and still sthis story is all about Sara and Grissom kissing?!" He shook his head and turned to Archie...
"Hey, Nick. I just realized, how come you had a baby? It's not possible because you don't have a certain... Hole?!"
Nick just disappeared into the background, fed up with his attempts to be the center of the story. "Finally," Cath shouted, "The attention goes to me! Me!!" They all turned around and were shocked to see...
""Hey!" Sara shouted, covering Cath up with a blanket. "Are you mad? You should look at me! Me!" Grissom shrugged and...
was knocked over by a very aggrivated Brass who wanted to be the center of attention, I mean he was almost killed.
Now it was a free for all, with every single CSI struggling to get attention doing various outrageous things.
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