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(Good surprse! :D)

"Oww, not so loud," Grissom grabbed his head, "Damn hangover... that's the last time I gulp down jello shooters mixed with tequla slammers!"
"Eh," Greg said, his head poking up from under the sheets, "I think I'm the last one, can't really seem to find Cath,"
"When did we all decide to come to my apartment, which is only for ONE PERSON, and try to fit seven people in here?" Sara asked.
"How does going out for a couple of drinks explain why I have..." Sara paused while she counted everyone. "...Five people in my apartment!!!!!!"
"Because after the bar kicked us out, we were all to drunk to drive home so the bar tender called a cab, and then...well I think I passed out." Cath said.
Hey everyone just cruising around today. Dropped in to say looks like everyone is having great fun and that is what I love to see. I get tickled at some of the lines you come up with. What next? :lol: Have a great day.
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