Marril96 Police Officer Aug 22, 2010 #526 Ray ran away, using the chance when everyone looked at Grissom. Greg and Hodges...
Marril96 Police Officer Aug 23, 2010 #528 "Ray's a real meanie!" Grissom went after Ray and captured him in the morgue. He took a scalpel and said: "What did you do to my team?" Ray said:
"Ray's a real meanie!" Grissom went after Ray and captured him in the morgue. He took a scalpel and said: "What did you do to my team?" Ray said:
GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator Aug 23, 2010 #529 "What's that?" pointed behind Grissom and when Grissom turned to look, Ray ran out of the morgue through the back exit. Grissom turned back around, saw the Ray wasn't there and...
"What's that?" pointed behind Grissom and when Grissom turned to look, Ray ran out of the morgue through the back exit. Grissom turned back around, saw the Ray wasn't there and...
Marril96 Police Officer Aug 24, 2010 #530 started to chase him around the lab with the scalpel. He saw Catherine holding Ray and...
Marril96 Police Officer Aug 24, 2010 #532 Looked at the three of them. "What the hell is going on here?!" he asked. Grissom said:
GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator Aug 24, 2010 #533 "Ray destroyed the lab." Brass said...
Marril96 Police Officer Aug 24, 2010 #534 "And that's the reason you wanna scalpel him?" "He was also mean to Hodges and Greg", said Grissom. Greg said:
"And that's the reason you wanna scalpel him?" "He was also mean to Hodges and Greg", said Grissom. Greg said:
GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator Aug 24, 2010 #535 "I never said he was mean to me; I'm just happy to see you." Hodges said, "I really missed you, Grissom" as he...
"I never said he was mean to me; I'm just happy to see you." Hodges said, "I really missed you, Grissom" as he...
Marril96 Police Officer Aug 25, 2010 #536 pushed Ray aside and hugged Grissom. At that very moment, Sara appeared at the door and...
GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator Aug 25, 2010 #537 said, "Get away from my husband, Hodges!" She walked toward them and...
Marril96 Police Officer Aug 26, 2010 #540 "Bi*ch!" Suddenly, s swarm of angry wasps started to chase her and she run away. "No one calls my wife that!" Grissom yelled. Hodges...
"Bi*ch!" Suddenly, s swarm of angry wasps started to chase her and she run away. "No one calls my wife that!" Grissom yelled. Hodges...