Add a line Part 2

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"Then looks like we need to start in the parking lot..." Gil called back to him, as he started walking to the doors that led to the front area of the building.
A loud bang interrupted her - someone was shooting at the CSIs! But they weren't shooting bullets, they were actually shooting...

Sara turned around, and glared. "Scare the crap out of us why don't you Catherine" Her glare fell, and she arched her brow. "Catherine? Why are you here? I thought you were suppose to be with Lindsey!"

"Lindsey, why would I be with Lindsey," Catherine asked, raising her brow as well, "I told you already, Lindsey's dead!" And with that, Catherine broke down into tears as big as her head. They started to flood the room until Grissom ran in to save them all with a..
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