Add a line Part 2

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"Yep, one minutes she's there" Catherine used her hands in swift motion as she talked, then her face fell as she turned around. "Then she's not. Where the heck did she go?..."
she groaned, "somebody find her, I'm gonna be hitting pavement in 3... 2... 1..." and Catherine fainted. Warrick vollunteered to take her home and the rest of the CSIs had the task of looking for Lindsey.
"Well looks like we need to figure out how they went missing before everyone disappears" Warrick added.
"Well, from what I can I recall, Nicky was in the process of helping two women who seemed... lost!" Warrick mentioned to Gris.
"Uh, yeah I remember." Gris added, leaning one elbow on the wall. "Wait do you think they went in this hole over here?"
"Don't think so" Warrick pined, "'cause I remember that he left them to look for something in his jeep...and planned on getting back to them..."
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