Add a line Part 2

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and decided to just ignore the fact that his superiors were a bit strange. He followed Sara around so he never had to be in the same room as...
...not only ecklie's devouring toupee but also nicky's evil caterpillar mustache that had magically risen from its caterpillar grave!!!...
...she played with his, well you know, toesies...

(btw, loooooooooooooove you sandle teasing fanfic... even if i am gsr, it's awesome. i'm writing some of my own.)
Meanwhile Catherine, Warrick, and Nick were finally working an actual case! It was the case of the missing...
Catherine looked around for evidence while Nick was picking Warrick's 'fro for him. "Could you two stop that and help me on this case!?" Catherine said, putting her..
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