Lindsay's cheesecake. "Ewwww!" Lindsay said. "Thanks a lot, Adam." Sinclair walked over to Lindsay's plate and saw the bullet. He turned to look at the team and...
picked up the plate of cheesecake, and threw it on the whole team, with the largest piece landing on Stella's eyes. "Auuuuuuuuuuugh.....that's it you all can.....
go to Hades. She looked at Sinclair. "You should ask before you throw cheesecake at people! We didn't all have something to do with that. It wasn't me. I was too busy...
Tuesday." Adam looks at her. "It's Sunday, Stella, not Tuesday." "I know that! But, today is Friday, so Tuesday is further away than Sunday." Sinclair decided to...
Suddenly, a closet door opened by itself and Sinclair was thrown into and locked inside. "Relax, it's just me." Said a familiar voice, but they could not see anyone. "It's Aiden's ghost." Adam said as he...