Add A Line, NY Style

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for the flowers. Picking one up Stella looked at it until she seen the scarab bug in it. Tossing it down, it ran towards....
Lindsay, who scooped it into a jar. "My mom's friend, Gil collects bugs." She put it in a box, addressing it to Vegas. The mummy crisis over, the next crisis arrived in the form of...
A corpse dressed in a sheep dog costume.

"What the hell is this? said Mac. Did we miss something tonight? First the mummy and now a dog, I think we all need....
people screaming and running in the streets. "Oh God, I feel like I'm in the middle of a scene from Cloverfield." Danny said. Flack decided to...
that all of the bar's patrons (which was a very few since it was so late) were lying on the floor bleeding, most of them dead. One made a noise. "Who did this to you?" Mac asked as he...
help is on the way. Mac knew the guy was not coherent enough to give him a description of the perp. The EMTs came in and...
a blob-like creature. Soon the blob started to absorb another body lying on the ground. As they were running out of the bar, Mac said:
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