Add A Line...NY Style #2

''Adam, it's only cupcake baking, you're not doing something that will change your life, stop worrying''. Lindsay chuckled and frowned.
"OK, Lindsay, you're right," Adam grinned. "So I'll just go ahead and preheat the oven to 500 degrees like I did the last time." Adam walked over to the oven.
''What the f***!, Ross stop right there, 500 are you mad! no wonder they didn't turn out right that's way to high to put the oven one''! Lindsay screamed.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, but you could burn your house down at that temperature. Just be careful next time, Adam".
''You're right Lindsay, why don't me and you do it together then seen as you know more about cooking than me'' Adam smiled. Meanwhile...
"I didn't do it!" Adam exclaimed nervously.

"Relax, Adam. It was something outside." She went to the window and looked out gasping at what she saw.
Luckily, he was able to jump out before the car hit the wall, but he passed out.

"Sid!!!!" Lindsay yelled. "You and Sheldon need to get outside now. Mac might be hurt!"
‘Mac,' Sid was smiling. 'You have a remarkable ability to survive the most harrowing, that’s to say interesting and dynamic escapes from certain death of any man I know; and with not a hair out of place.’