Add a Line- Miami Style - Part Three

"Did he buy one of those poisoned chocolates that were discovered a week ago? I heard hallucinations were one of the side-effects."

"Alien! Alien!" and pointed to the left side.

Everyone looked and Horatio said: "It's not an alien, it's just Stetler."

Stetler approached them and...
Frank started to laugh and said "Suckers! Happy April 1st!"

"But it's August..." Eric mumbled, while Alien turned out to be...
then a guy with longish blonde hair, almost down to his shoulders appeared where the poodle had been and said, "I'm not really an alien, I'm a shapeshifter".

(LOL, sorry too much True Blood)

Calleigh put her gun away and said...
(I don't really watch much anime)

Natalia giggled as something tickled her leg. She looked down and screamed seeing that it was...
Ryan said, "Nat, there was a spider crawling on your leg, but fortunately, it's just a grand-daddy longlegs". Ryan showed them the spider in his hands and he went to the window, which Walter opened for him and Ryan put the spider outside. Valera chuckled and said, "You're such a softie, Ryan."

Just then, Jesse's cell phone started playing...
"I'm too sexy for my body" (I don't know if it's the right name of the song)

Everyone glared at him.

"What?!" Jesse asked, confused. "Like you...