Add a Line- Miami Style - Part Three

said nothing, but Ryan said, "Maxine and I have plans together tonight and every night for the rest of our lives ... we just got married".

Valera held out her hand to show the girls her ring and Natalia said...
"Fine, Maxine, you win!" she took 20 bucks out of her walled and handed it to the lab tech, who thanked and smiled.

"You were betting, weren't you?" asked Ryan.

Natalia nodded. "We knew you liked both of us so we wanted to know who you like more", she said.

just wrapped an arm around Maxine's waist.

Meanwhile, there was a noise coming from the weapons lockup and everyone ran to see...
"What are you two doing?" Calleigh said, "Its for good luck; soliders in this one movie we watched did this and...
they didn't die in pain, but were blown up and died immediately."

All of a sudden, Walter and Frank ran in the lab...
"Frank, looks like you..." he put on the sunglasses, "Lied to us."

Walter smacked Frank on the head and Frank...