Add a Line Miami Style Part 2

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said....."Alexx if you can't handle your haulers, then maybe you should not be working in my lab.

"Now you listen to me you cross dressing freak. This isn't you lab, for one. And for two, you're the one that shouldn't be working here. For it's your cakiness that....
Valera grabbed the cup from Ryan. "Let me do that, honey." She smiled sweetly at him.

Valera started to pour it on Samantha, but then realized something was wrong. "Oh My God!" She screamed. "Get a medic, Samantha's...
said "This isn't from the fire."

"Well, I went to a tanning salon." Samantha said. "It was a new kind of tanning treatment they were testing. I didn't know that until afterwards though."

"I think you should sue them, Samantha." Valera said as Eric craddled Samantha's head and...


BTW, is there still a Vegas add a line? I can't find one and was thinking of starting one if there's no longer one.
seen Stetler had been ran over by the old guy in a wheelchair.

Running over Horatio removed his sunnies and said....
"Rick, can you hear me?"

Rick groaned. "Alexx!" Calleigh called out and Alexx ran over.

She bent down to check on Rick and said...
He's fine. It's the old man I'm worried about. Pushing Stetler aside, Alexx assessed the man and found he had...
a weak pulse. She began to work on him until the EMTs arrived.

Once that way taken care of, they heard a loud noise behind them. They turned and saw Cooper who was...
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