The more I think about Adam/Stella, the more I am intrigued by this pairing and want to see more. So I thought I'd start a thread and see if anyone else sees potential for this couple to go beyond a supposed "one night stand."
I was mostly ambivalent to start with, but after discussing it in the NY forum, I've warmed up to the idea. I'm not a fan of relationships between main characters, but hey, they're going to happen whether I like it or not - so this one is quite an interesting possibility.
i agree - i wouldn't have automatically put them together and at first i was a bit "eh?" about it but actually it's nowhere near as bad as i thought it would be and now i'm kind of intrigued...
I personally think Stella could use a guy like Adam and Adam could use a woman like Stella. Adam is a sweet, kind man and Stella certainly has had trouble attracting that kind of guy in the past. She needs someone who cares for her and also respects her and I think Adam fits the bill. Adam, on the other hand could use a strong, independent woman who will take charge of the relationship. He dated a Suicide Girl, so I'm sure he could really go for a smart, independent, strong and beautiful woman like Stella.
Adam could definitely handle Stella despite his dorky exterior - you have to watch out for the shy ones.
Stella really deserves a good guy, and they just don't get much better than a total sweetheart like Adam.
absolutely agree, i think it would be nice for her be with someone who's obviously caring and sweet and won't mess her around, and for him it would be a good confidence boost (and let's face it he probably needs it!).
Maybe all it took was one night to awaken some deeper feelings in them - or at least put the possibility of something more serious on their radar.
yeah, this is a definite possibility, and it's very possible to start looking at someone in a totally different way, especially when sex is involved.
I really can't decide. I kind of like the idea of Stella still seeking Adam out for comfort despite herself in a sort of "I wish I could quit you!" kind of way and having that turn into deeper feelings. But I also kind of like the idea of Stella staying true to her word and not sleeping with Adam again right away but having them keep a deeper connection and having her see him in a different light little by little and discovering he really could be good for her.
i really like that idea - i think maybe stella has dismissed what happened as a one off act of idiocy, but maybe she'll come to think that actually it was good for her and she likes him because he makes her feel good about stuff, and as someone else said, show her a lighter side. and vice versa. much as i like mac/stella, let's face it any relationship with them would be *very* serious!
I'm really hoping they aren't using them sleeping together as a springboard ....but because they've taken such a WTF? scenario with having these two sleep together and turned it into something with a whole lot of potential even if it doesn't end up being a long term relationship.
definitely - also there was *so* much hype about it, it was in the trailers, melina specifically referred to it in an interview etc, it seems a bit pointless to make all that fuss just to get people to watch and go "wtf?" - it would make a lot more sense from a writing and commercial point of view to do something more with it after making all that effort!
People at the Smacked thread are probably going to kill me for posting here, but that is one more reason to say hi. I have a tendency to do exactly the opposite of what I'm told to do sometimes.
haha, me too - i'm sure they can't kill both/all of us:lol: i'm the same, as soon as someone tells me something is bad, i want to do it. although that doesn't mean i want to do adam or stella:lol:
I don't like the idea of "(s)he took advantage of (him)her" I've read. I don't think in order to take someone to your bed you need to take advantage of them. It takes to people to have consensual sex and they both agreed to sleep together.
absolutely - there seems to be a lot of that around, which is a shame, they're both grown ups! adam is a bit younger (at least we think he is!) and a bit more shy and nervous, but that doesn't make stella some kind of abuser. equally she was upset and needed comforting (we assume) and that doesn't make him some kind of abuser. both had their eyes wide open and knew what they were doing.
Granted, it's a little weird given the difference between the two (and I don't mean the supervisor/subordinate thing). Personality, maturity, interests. Frankly I don't think they have anything in common besides work. Not saying that the differences are a bad thing or won't make it work. Just pointing them out.
i agree that there are differences, which made me a bit wary too, but like you say, sometimes differences aren't a bad thing. and sometimes they can be positive, they can open horizons and give people a chance to grow (god, i sound like dr phil).
However, if this was just a one shot deal organized by TPTB as a ratings ploy, which unfortunately I believe it is, then I have a problem with it.
I just had the most random mental image of Stella joining Second Life to flirt with/tease him. He'd be so geeky-excited. :lol: I really have no idea why that occurred to me except that I remember her taking the mic from Mac to flirt with the guy in "Down the Rabbit Hole", and the thought of her doing something like that when Adam is on the other end of the avatar is hilarious.
haha, i really like that idea - let's hope it pops up
Yeah, I hope not either. I'm not against Adam/Haylen in theory, but the idea of this just being an excuse for Stella to get jealous or Haylen to try to use it against them or just otherwise cause trouble - it would be a disappointing way to take the storyline. Also because I think Adam/Haylen is so predictable (and I think it's boring when a character is written in as a future love interest from the get-go)
i agree - just look at peyton who was "mac's girlfriend" far more than she was ever the ME.
as for the haylen thing, i have to confess i thought haylen could be a good match for adam, and i thought that even more when they had that argument - it could've been like mills & boon, y'know, the ones that hate eachother always end up getting married, but i'm not really bothered either way. i didn't dislike haylen, i just think it's up to adam (or at least those who write adam!).
Great to have an official thread to discuss the first shocker of this season
:lol:. I was shocked at first when I read what would happen between Adam and Stella, it seemed so impossible, so out of the blue. But it was OK the way they´ve shown it in the episode, nothing embarrassing. And now I find myself hoping that it wasn´t just a one-night-stand, because firstly it would be a bit silly if all that Stella needed to recover from her trauma was just one night of good sex with a guy
i agree - although some women do use one night stands for that, i don't think it's necessarily stella's way (this doesn't mean, however, that i think she'd only sleep with someone she was in love with, i don't think she's all that angelic!), but i'm interested to see how it plays out.