Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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Faylinn said:
I'm pleased to see he's gotten the character so well across because most of it has popped up in discussion at one time or another.
Yes, very much so. You wouldn't think it would be difficult to play an awkward lab geek, but that interview shows that it's not all-that-easy. ;) Adam is an interesting little gem of a character. :D
They were my thoughts exactly while reading the interview. What AJ is trying to get across with Adam is exactly what we are seeing in the character. So kudos to him for a job well done. I LOVE the way he looks up to Mac and Danny. Holding Mac in awe and wanting to be like Danny. Wanting to be one of the team. That's so sweet.

Oh yeah, definitely. :lol: From three lines to, what, 16 episodes I think is what is listed on And let's hope you're right that the writers keep Adam around. I can't imagine what sort of character could replace him. :(
I somehow don't think he's going to go anywhere. I'd say his job is pretty safe :lol: The writers have obviously seen the fan love Adam is getting and how much we enjoy the character. We're seeing him with a lot more screen time now. I'd say he's safe :)

It's interesting to note that the writers DO lurk around here. Hope they are reading other threads besides this one *cough*dearwriters*cough*.
I thoroughly enjoyed the new interview with AJ! Thanks so much to both Kristine and AJ, for making it happen. It was fun reading his interpretation of Adam and his personality, and of course his comments and takes on his fellow cast members. Sounds like a close knit, fun crew!

And I agree, bloopers & outtakes on the dvd's would be a riot! :D
*pokes head in* So, this is where all the Adam/AJ love goes down. Nice. I myself am new to the Adam love, but I love him more and more every time I see him. I wish they would make him a full time character, we need that sense of humor on a more regular basis.

And I also agree, bloopers and outtakes from the show would be priceless. You know there is stuff going on behind the scenes that we would kill to see.
Ooh, a newbie to the thread. Here, have a fruit basket. :lol:

I love him more and more every time I see him.
It's hard not to love him. :p

I wish they would make him a full time character, we need that sense of humor on a more regular basis.
They have Adam, so they don't ever need another lab tech. :D :D :D I don't think anybody could replace him, but then, I'm biased. ;)

Ok, I got a bit bored, so I made these. They aren't really useful, but I think they're kinda funny. :p



Don't lie, you know you giggled. ;)
Faylinn said:
Don't lie, you know you giggled. ;)

Well I did. You're right, not very useful, but still very nice of you to make them, and share them! :lol:

I saw 'Crows Feet' earlier this week, the CSI episode he was in. He looked so young in it, hardly looked like the same guy! I am definately preferring the rougher, bearded thing he has going on at the moment! Yum.... :p
I was so, so, so excited to see his interview, and it was awesome to see him give the thread a shout-out.

I would take back some of the outrageous commentary, but let's face it -- I'm with Fay about nailing him and having very pale children.
Those are so wrong. :lol: :D So wrong that they are right. I am going to hide those on my computer here at work, so I can look at them all day and be amused.
Hehe. He looks so young in your icon, GoodLittleWench. :lol: (He also looks like a little punk that might need to be smacked around a bit. :p)

Adam macros: totally useless, but what the hell, why not? :lol:

I would take back some of the outrageous commentary, but let's face it -- I'm with Fay about nailing him and having very pale children.
Meh, I don't take anything back--I'm sure AJ has a good sense of humor and can get a kick out of the er, slashy stuff. If not, we aren't working hard enough. :lol: ("Cupcake"--o rly? :p) And I'm sure he just chuckled at us wanting to ravage him/get out the duct tape/take him home and try to fatten him up (poor thing, he's so skinny)/etc. :devil:

But seriously, we've had some good discussion in here about Adam, and to echo what some other people have said after reading the interview, it's nice to see that we're getting what he's putting across. ;)

Pasty babies = Awesome!

And speaking of "Crow's Feet": *makes mental note and a post-it because she doesn't trust her brainz* Tuesday, March 6 at 6:00 PM EST on Spike TV. :D
Faylinn said:
Hehe. He looks so young in your icon, GoodLittleWench. :lol: (He also looks like a little punk that might need to be smacked around a bit. :p)

I would be more than happy to give him a good spanking. :devil: You know, for the good of all mankind.

I am going to have to go home tonight and haul out my CSI DVDs, just so I can re-watch Crow's Feet.
Man, I go and get busy for awhile and all this stuff happens. Loved the interview. I like how normal his answers made him seem. He just layed out honestly what he thought. He didn't try to sound like he knew more than he did. (not sure want I have said sounds normal)

PS: AJ, your welcome. Keep up the good work! ;)
*cough* I, er, may or may not have made more Adam macros. *whistles innocently* I also posted the two up there^^ on LJ with the others. :)

I would be more than happy to give him a good spanking. You know, for the good of all mankind.
Oh, aren't you just the most kind and generous soul?! You're so giving and selfless! :D


But I have to say, I love the beard. AJ was probably an adorable little kid with those cute little cheeks, but the beard really works for him. There aren't a lot of guys who could pull it off. ;) Although that big gnarly one he had at the beginning of the season from where he was filming The Last Sin Eater was not cool. :lol:

Bummfluff = Yay!
Lumberjack beard = Boo! :p
Gotta love the Petey Pablo shout out Fay :lol:.

I absolutely *loved* the interview with AJ. The depth he gave to his answers was fantastic. I totally went "aww" when he shared how close he was with Carmine. Those two are hilarious together & I had no idea that "cupcake" was a total improv. Hilarious :lol:. After finishing the interview I've decided that he needs screentime. Much more screentime.

I had no idea the man has family here. I guess everyone loves Vancouver :lol:.

And something not related to the interview. I crack up everytime Adam & Stella share a scene as Stella always has a "wtf" moment/face at one point. I don't think she gets them & that makes their scenes so frigging hilarious :lol:.
I love that Adam has such great chemistry with everyone -- I wish he had more moments with Flack, or maybe a huge fatty crush on Angell. I could totally see Adam having a thing for Angell. But I especially love Adam when he's around Mac and Hawkes. Still, I wish he bantered more with Danny like in the ol' days.

I think I shall have to continue the Buckley bloodline for the good of mankind. AJ, I'm volunteering my body for babies. :D
I just re-read the interview. It was so sweet that he mentioned this thread and thanked the fans!! He's such a sweetheart.
He just seems so normal and un affected about everything that's happening!
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