A CatNip Story......Taken from the File of Built to Kill

After cheerleading practice Lindsey was waiting for her dad to pick her up with her friend Suzie.

"Hey Lindsey! When are your mom and Nick getting married? Is it before the baby comes?"

"Yeah, they have it set for next week. It's going to be a small Chapel wedding, kinds Vegas style," she laughed.

"Gotta love Vegas," said Suzie.

"Here's my dad. Did you want a ride Suzie?"

"No thanks. My dad should be here soon."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Hey dad, can we pick up Pizza?"

"I don't see why not. But this time mom gets her own."

*Laughing*...."I still can't believe she ate a whole pizza herself."

Pulling out of the parking lot, Suzie sat on the steps waiting for her dad.

"Excuse me. You wouldn't happen to know if all kids have left from Cheerleading practice yet, would you?"

"Umm...I think they have, but you can check the gym."

"Could you show me which way?"


Getting up Suzie walked up the stairs with him into the almost empty school, as he placed on his latex gloves. As they neared the girls washroom, he pulled her inside, and covered her mouth.

"Do you know what happens to young girls who walk away with strangers?" He whispered.

Crying from the force of pressure against her mouth, she shook her head yes.


Taking his hand he slithered it up her cheerleading skirt, as she tensed and bit down on his hand.

"Owww...you little bitch."

Slapping her, he banged her up against the wall. Taking his one hand he choked her with it, while pulling down his pants, and as he assulted her, he watched her eyes bulge out, as she died in front of him.

"Shit....why can't I control myself better, that's two girls I've killed by accident, don't they understand, I just want to play with them?" He said to himself.

Leaving her assulted body on the floor, he opened the door, checked left to right and left the building.
uhoh I hope he doesn't hurt Lindsey...or he could get her but not kill her in time because it's kinda fun to watch MadCath in action lol
uhoh I hope he doesn't hurt Lindsey...or he could get her but not kill her in time because it's kinda fun to watch MadCath in action lol

Pm me Melly. I need to know about Cath's temper:)