A CatNip Story......Taken from the File of Built to Kill

There are two PM's available. :devil: Let me know if you'd like them. Except for Mel/Lynn. You she-devils got yours. :D

A little while later, Nick carried Catherine to the bedroom. Laying her on the cool satin sheets, he knelt down, spread her legs, and rested his chin on her tummy. Looking up at her, he said...."Cat my love, I'm going to kiss and pet you, until you plead and beg me to stop". Keeping true to his word, Nick kissed and petted her down. Gripping onto the pillow, catherine sighed out a small mew. Knowing he was pleasing her, Cat began to wiggle. *Nicky,sigh* "Please Nicky,*sigh*.

Nick knew he should stop, but he couldn't bring himself too. Her beauty was so heavenly, it drove his want, into an unknown world, of heated enchantment. Raising his eyes, he could see Catherine, tear claw marks into the pillows. Not being able to stand anymore, she took her claws, and raked them down, Nicky's back, causing him to growl. "Hissss, Damn you Cat", said Nick. He could feel the sting of her scratches, and moving up on her, he looked into her eyes and said......"You will pay for that, you wild jungle Cat". "Purrrr"!!! "Meow"!!! said Catherine. Positioning himself on her sexy body, he gave her what she needed, "More Nicky", purred Cat. "Maybe, maybe not", "You've been a bad little pussy cat".

Positioning her claws again, she gave Nicky the look the said....."Now or I claw again". Just as she was ready to bare them down, she said....... "More nicky. Knowing he had her, where he wanted her, he loved her over and over, causing his muscles to buldge out, and just as Catherine was ready to release, he pulled her up onto his lap. As they looked into each others eyes, he said... "I love you Catherine Willows, forever", and he poured into her unprotected body. *Sigh,sigh,sigh**Nicky"!!!!!!

With their release complete, Cahterine kissed Nicky's wounds, one by one, until he became excited again. *Mmmm*** sighed Cat. "You Ms.Willows, are a naughty little she-devil.

A long time later, Nicky and Catherine, fell asleep.

The following morning, Nick was up in the kitchen making breakfast, when Lindsey walked out. "Morning Lindsey, how did you sleep"? asked Nick. "Really good Nick, thanks for allowing me to stay with you, while mom works". "Not a problem sweetheart, same time tonight? "Rematch on Need4Speed"? "You bet Nick". "I'm going to get going to school". "Hold up Lindsey, I'll drive you". "Are you sure Nick"? "Listen kiddo, your mom is sleeping, the place is quiet, I'll take you". "Thanks Nick". "You never have to thank me Lindsey". "I'm always here for you, anytime, day or night".

As they drove to the school, Lindsey asked Nick, how he felt about her mom. "Well Lindsey, I love her very much". "How does that make you feel"? Lindsey faced him and said......"That makes me very happy".

As she got out of the car, she kissed Nick on the cheek. "See you tonight Nick". "You bet kiddo".

After dropping Lindsey off, Nick headed into work. He knew Cat would sleep all day.

"Hey Nick", called Sara. "How was babysitting Lindsey"? "It was great Sara, she's a wonderful girl". "Where's Greg at"? asked Nick. "He's coming, he had to change". "I suppose we have to deal with Ecklie this morning"? "Afraid so Nick".

Just at that moment, Ecklie came walking over. "Okay guy's, you have a crime scene, at the LasVegas Casino, one male DB". "Okay, thanks Ecklie, said Sara, we have it from here".

Meanwhile, Lindsey have having a hard time with a group of girls. They were talking about her mom, and how she used to be a stripper. Walking away to ignore them, they followed her, encouraging their friend to start a fight with her.

"Just push her Kim, go on, do it". Not wanting to be blackballed Kim pushed Lindsey, causing her to face her. "You don't want to do this Kim, you'll lose", warned Lindsey. "Don't listen to her Kim, get her". As Kim went to attack Lindsey, she moved aside, causing Kim to punch the air.

"I told you, you don't want to fight me". Willing to try again, the girl brought up her fist, but this time, as Lindsey went to move, the other two girls held her. *Boof* straight in the face, just as Kim was about to punch Lindsey again, the teacher came forward.

"You three girls, in my office now"!! "Lindsey, go get cleaned up". Even the teacher was bitter towards Lindsey's mother's way of life, before she became a CSI.

Not wanting to stay at school, Lindsey called Nick on his cell. "Stokes", said Nick. "Nick", said Lindsey. "Lindsey, what's the matter"? "Can you come get me, I want to come home". "Are you sick Lindsey"? "No", "Please Nick, come get me". "Okay , sweetheart, I'll be right there".

"Listen Sara, can you and Greg, handle this, I need to pick up Lindsey, she's not feeling well". "Sure Nick, you go ahead".

When Nick arrived at the school, Lindsey was waiting on the stairs for him. He could see the blood on her nose. "What happened Lindsey"? "It's nothing Nick, just some girls being stupid". "I think, we should let the office know, you're leaving. "They already know Nick, can we please go". Nick could see how upset Lindsey was, opening the door for her, he helped her in. Passing her a kleenex, she cleaned her nose. "Are you ready, to tell me what happened"?

"The girls were teasing me about my mom again". "They are alway's calling her nasty, dirty, tramp". "Then one of the girls had Kim start a fight with me, and because I was winning, the other two girls held me, while Kim socked me in the nose". "Ouch"!!! "But you're okay now"? asked Nick. "Yeah, now that you're here Nick, I feel safe". Nick smiled at Lindsey, "How about some lunch, my treat"? "Sounds great Nick, do we have to tell mom"? "You should sweetheart, it's always best to be honest". Lindsey knew Nicky was right, but she also knew her mom was going to freak on those girls and the school.

Nick took Lindsey to the restuarant and ordered her a cheeseburger and fries.

"Nick"? "Do you think, mom and you will get married"? "Hmm, I'm not sure Lindsey, it's to soon, to tell right now". "I know I love your mom, very much". "I can see that Nick, and I know, mom know's it too, she smiles all the time now, and is very happy". Smiling Nick said, "She makes me happy too sweetie, now finish lunch and we'll go wake up mom and have that talk".

As Lindsey walked in the door, she seen her mom, dressed and sitting on the couch. "Hey Lindsey, what happened today at school"? "It wasn't my fault mom, I did nothing wrong". "I didn't say it was your fault love, I asked you what happened". "The girls were calling you name's again". "So I ignored them, and walked away". "But one of the girls punched me, while the other two held me". "What did the teacher do"? asked Catherine. "She took them to the office", and I called Nick, to bring me home".

"So you have no idea, what the outcome was, or the punishment"? "No mom, I didn't want to stay around". "I hate that school, why can't you just send me to normal school like other kids"?
"Because you deserve the best Lindsey". "Well maybe I don't want the best, maybe I just want to be myself ,and not have to pretend, to be some well adjusted girl". With this said, Lindsey ran to the room and shut the door.

"What am I going to do with her"? "Listen Cat, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea, to try her at Public School". "I know Nicky, I just want her to have the best of everything, I can give her".
"Cat, she doesn't need the best of everything, she needs the love from her mom". Looking into Nicky's eyes, Catherine could see, where he was coming from. "Okay, we'll give it a try, but if it doesn't work, then she goes back to Private school". "Deal", said Nicky, as he kissed Cat's lips.

Later that evening, Catherine gave Lindsey permission, to go see a show, with her friend, and her mother. "Looks like it's just you and me Nicky poo", laughed Cat. "I guess you're right". "What ever will we do"? said Nick. Walking up to him, Catherine, pulled him down onto the floor, "Love me Nicky boy, take me away". Nick could feel his body respond, to Cat's teasing. "Far be it from me, not to take the lady of my life, for a wild ride". Ride her he did, in fact, he rode her so many times, she collapsed, like jello in a bowl. "I can't feel anything Nicky, I think you've numbed me", laughed Cat. "Well then, little lady, I guess, I rode you right". "That you did, cowboy Nick", sighed Catherine.
Picking Catherine up, Nick took her to the bedroom and laid her upon the sheets. As he got up to leave, she pulled him back down.

"Where do you think, you're going Nicky-poo"? "I'm not done with you yet", purred Catherine.

"You're not, well why didn't you say so, little lady", said Nick as he pulled Cat towards him, and kissed her deeply. Falling in to the kiss, Catherine began, to grind against Nick, driving his body into complete ecstacy. "Slow down Cat, you're driving me over the edge, to fast", panted Nicky.

As much as Catherine wanted to slow down, she couldn't, she could feel Nick pour into her unproteced body again, and as they flew over the edge of reality together, a new life was brought forth into their world. A short time later, Lindsey came home from the movies, just as Catherine was heading into work. "Hey sweetie, how was the movie"? asked Catherine. "It was good mom, are you off to work"? "Yup, I think Nicky has your game all set up, he said you have a rematch tonight". "We do, he thinks, he'll win this time, but he won't", laughed Lindsey.

"Won't what Lindsey"? asked Nick from the hall.

"Beat me tonight Nick, I'm gonna slaughter you in Need4Speed". "We shall see chickie poo". Coming towards the door, Nick took Catherine into his arms and kissed her. "Oh my", said Lindsey, "Now that's hot". Catherine and Nick laughed. "Stay safe Cath", said Nick. "I will, I'll see you in the morning Lindsey". "Okay, night mom". Once Catherine left, Nick and Lindsey, raced for the system.

Catherine was sitting in Grissom's office. She knew, she had one more day with Nick, and then she and Lindsey, would have to go home. Thinking to herself, she could see them together, as a family, with two or three more children running around. Smiling to herself, Sara stood at the door watching the emotions play across her face. Sara could see, sadness, want, need, and alot of love. "Cath"! said Sara. "Oh hey Sara", "Did you need something"? "No, just came to see how you and Lindsey, are coping over at Nick's". "Great, Lindsey loves it there, she and Nick play video games, and really enjoy each others company". "They are quite the pair, it's going to be hard on Lindsey, when we go home".

Sara wasn't sure, but she swore, she could see something else, in Cathrine's eyes. Not wanting to be wrong, she decided to say nothing more. "Cath"! called Warrick from the door. "Have you seen Greg, I can't find him anywhere"? "I sent him out with Brass, they should be back shortly". "Okay, cool". "So how is Nicky and Lindsey doing"? "Good, they get along great, she's going to miss it there". Warrick looked at Cath, he swore he could see, something in her eyes, that wasn't there before. "Is something wrong Warrick"? asked Cath. "No, I'm fine, I'll see you later". "Send Greg, to me, when he comes in".

Both Sara and Warrick, had their suspicions, but neither, said anything.

The following morning....

After Nick dropped Lindsey off at school, he headed back home, and set up a beautiful breakfast, for Catherine. As he dressed the table in strawberry's, pancakes, sausage, whip cream, syrup, and fresh juice, Catherine walked in. "Wow, have you been busy Nicky"? smiled Catherine. She was hurting inside, but would not allow Nick to see it. "Why, yes I have my beautiful Cat, what do you think"? "I think, we should eat", said Catherine, with a single tear in her eye. "Cath"? "What's the matter"? "It's nothing Nicky, I'm just tired".

Nick could tell Catherine was lying, but not wanting to pry, he decided to wait. As they sat down to breakfast, Nick was watching Catherine with the strawberry. Catherine could feel Nick's eyes burning into her. Looking up, she teased the strawberry, around her lips, while keeping her eyes on Nicky. "You're playing a dangerous game Cath", said Nick. *Purring*, "What game Nicky"? "I'm just eating the red juicy strawberry", smerked Catherine.

Nick took some whip cream and applied it to a piece of pineapple. Bringing it up towards Cat's mouth, she closed her eyes, and took a bite....."Mmmm", yummy". Getting up out of his chair, Nick walked over, picked up Catherine and sat her on the table. Sitting back down infront of her, he pulled the chair and her towards him. "Now cat, I'm going to dress you up in delicious fruit and whip cream, and then I'm going to eat you up".

"Meowww, laughed Catherine. "You're a bad boy Nicky". "Only for you Cat, taking a strawberry, he put it to his mouth ,and had Catherine kiss him, as they bit into the pineapple together. Getting carried away, Catherine said.......

"Nicky........"Please, love me", cried Catherine. Nick couldn't understand at first why Catheirne, would be crying. "Cath, did I hurt you"? "No Nicky, just love me please, I need you to love me". Picking Catherine up in his arms, he carried her to the bedroom, laid her upon the sheets, and kissed her with passion, and love. "Listen Catheirne, please tell me what's wrong"? "I don't want to leave Nicky, I don't want to go back home, I want to stay with you forever".

Nick looked into Catherine's eyes, he could see how much she loved him. "Don't cry Cath, you can stay forever and ever, if you'd like". "Do you know what you're saying Nicky". "Yes cath, I know what I'm doing, I'm asking you to marry me". Catherine looked at Nick, as tears poured down from her eyes. "Don't cry Cat". "I love you, and I love Lindsey". "Please marry me".

"Yes Nicky, I'll marry you". Sealing their vow, with a passionate kiss, Nick loved Catherine, until she fell asleep.
A short time later, Lindsey came home from school. "Hey Nick", "Where's mom"?
"She's sleeping, her last night shift tonight". Lindsey's smile went from happy to sad. "Oh yeah", I forgot about that". Nick couldn't stand to see Lindsey, look so sad. "Listen Lindsey, I need you to come out, and help me with something for your mom". "Sure Nick, but what is it"? "Well, I asked your mom to marry me". Lindsey looked shocked, for the briefest second, then she screamed. "Shhh!!! said Nick. "I need you to help me pick out your mom's ring". "Okay, let's go", said Lindsey with excitment.

As they got to the Jewelry store, they walked right into a hold up. **BANG**, Nicky went down, and Lindsey screamed. Running from the store, the robbers left Nick to die. When the Jeweler noticed it was all clear, he called the Police and Paramedics. Upon their arrival, thay assesed Nick, loaded him into the ambulance, and sped off, leaving Lindsey with Brass. A short time later, the team showed up on scene, including Catherine, who was called in.

When Catherine seen Lindsey in tears, she asked her what was going on. "Nick and I came here to by your ring, and he got shot by some robbers". "He's really bad mom, he was bleeding everywhere". Everyone stared in shock, not because of Nick, but because they heard mention of a ring. "Sara, you, Warrick and Greg, start processing and take statements, I'm going to check on Nicky".

Once Catherine and Lindsey arrived at the Hospital, the nurse informed them of Nick's condition. "Are you Cathrine Willow's"? "I am, yes, how is Nick"? "He's not good, he's got a bullet that needs to be removed from his chest , he's stable and in surgery, he's lost alot of blood". "Will he make it"? cried Catherine. "That I can't answer, I'll have the surgeon come see you, after he's in recovery". "Mom, is Nick going to make it"? "He can't die mom, he was going to marry you". "I know sweetheart, he's going to make it, I won't let him leave us".

As Lindsey and Cathrine sat down to wait, the rest of the team came in. "How is he Cath"? asked Warrick. "Not good, he has a bullet in his chest, they need to remove, and he's lost alot of blood". "Christ, what the hell was Nick doing in a Jewelry store, to begin with"? asked Warrick. Lindsey looked up and said....."He was buying mom a ring, to marry her". Well, that did it, everyone looked amazed. "You're kidding right" ,smiled Sara? "No, he was serious, he loves my mom, and mom loves him, right mom"? Looking at her daughter, she said....."Yes Lindsey, that's right". Catherine started crying again, she could care less, who knew about her Nick, she did love him, and she was proud of it.

"Don't cry mom, he's going to be fine". "Listen Cath, if you need anything, you let me know, said Sara. "Thanks, the only thing I need right now, is Nick to pull through". "He will Cath, Nick is strong, have you called his parents yet"? asked Warrick. "Yeah, they're on their way". At that moment Brass walked in. "Any word yet"? "No nothing yet, Brass", said Greg.

As the team waited patiently, Catherine's and Nick's baby continued to grow.