A CatNip Story......Taken from the File of Built to Kill


Head of the Graveyard Shift
This is my first Catnip story. It's taken from the night Cat and Nick went to the dance club. I'm not a CSI:LV fan, but I watched this episode last night, and found myself drawn to it.

I do not own the characters, parts of this story are taken from Built to kill, the rest is my own imagination. This is rated PG13 for mild language and angst.

I hope you all enjoy :)

It was a hot summer night in Las Vegas, and Nick and Catherine were enjoying there time together as friends at the bar. They knew it would be a great day to unwind and enjoy themselves. As Nick and Catherine were on the dance floor, they had no idea, they were being watched. As nick and Cat, neared the end of the dance, nick dipped her back and playfully kissed her neck. "Nicky"! said Catherine laughing. "Sorry Cath, couldn't help myself". "Okay, Nick, I need to sit down". As Nick went to sit with Catherine, some blonde girl grabbed him and took him back onto the dance floor. While they danced, Catherine ordered a drink. It wasn't long in coming, before she felt dizzy and disoriented. Not being able to focus, some guy grabbed her and dragged her out of the bar.

Once Nick was finished dancing with the young girl, he looked around for Catherine, but couldn't find her anywhere. Thinking she went home, he left.

Early the next morning, Cathrine woke up disoriented and blurred. "Where am I"? Looking around the room, she realized she was in a motel and undressed. "Oh my God, what happened to me, could I have been assulted"? Going into the washroom, she made use of her what she had to take swab samples, hair samples and DNA. Picking up the phone, she called Sara, and told her where to come, because she needed her help.

Once Sara arrived, she asked Catherine what had happened. "I'm not sure"? "I can't remember anything". "I remember being at the bar with Nicky, dancing. "After our dance, I sat down at the bar and ordered a drink, and somehow I ended up here". After collecting everything they needed, Sara and Catherine, headed back to the Lab.

Upon arrival, Nicky noticed Catherine's expression. He could alway's tell, what Catherine was feeling. "Cat"! "Is everything okay"? asked Nick with concern. "I'm fine Nicky, thanks for asking". Nick knew Catherine wasn't fine, so he went to touch her and she jumped three feet. "Cat"! "What was that about"? asked Nicky. Catherine broke down in tears. Picking her up in front of everyone, he carried her over to the couch, and sat her down. Closing the door for privacy, he asked her again, "What happened"? "The truth Cat".

After Catherine, told Nick everything that had happened, he felt bad. "I'm really sorry Cat, I should have never left you alone". "Don't blame yourself Nicky, you did nothing wrong", said Cat. Taking her hand within his he said......."Catheirne, look at me please". When Catherine looked up she could see the pain in Nick's eyes, and she could also see something else......*Whisper* "Nicky"!
"Shh"!! said Nick as he leaned in to her lips and said...."I've always dreamed of this. Just let go Cat". Passion and silent breathing could be heard, as Nick brushed her lips, ever so lightly, and just as they were getting ready to take the kiss deeper, the door opened.

"Hey Nicky"! yelled Warrick as he walked in. Breaking apart just in time, Nick stood up and asked Warrick...."What is it Warrick"? "Let's go man, we have a crime scene to process, Grissom just called". "Okay Man, I'll be right there". After Warrick left, Nick told Catherine......"Don't worry Cat, I promise you, I'll find him".

After Nick left, Catherine thought to herself....."What the hell just happened".

To Be Continued
After Nick left, Catherine informed Ecklie she was taking the rest of the day off. Getting into her car, she could still feel the goosbumps upon her skin. "Oh why Nicky", said Catherine to herself. "Am I really ready for this kind of change". She had always felt something special for Nick, but the feeling she had now, was different from that, it felt more alive, beyond the relm of friendship. To put it perfectly, it felt like love.

Meanwhile Nick and Warrick had gotten back to the Lab. As Nick informed Warrick, he'd see him later, he went looking for Cat.

"Hey Sara"! "Have you seen Catherine"? "Oh yeah Nick, she went home early". "Okay, thanks Sara". Nick headed back to his car, and drove over to see Catherine, he knew Lindsey would be in school, and he just needed to make sure Catherine was okay.

As he arrived at her place, he parked his ford explorer and knocked on Cat's door.

"Come in", yelled Catherine. As Nick walked inside he seen Catherine, laying down on the couch. "Cat"! "Are you okay". "I was really concerned when I found out you left". "Don't worry Nicky, I told you before , I'm fine". "God Cat". "Why do you do this to yourself, to us"? "Do what Nicky"? Nick was getting angry, he hated when Catherine became distance and cold. Walking over to her, Nicky grabbed her up off the sofa and shook her in his arms. "Now you listen to me". "You are stronger then this Cat, I know you can and will survive this". "Just don't push me away". "I love you Catherine, Do you hear me, I love you", yelled Nicky.

Catherine stood in shock, of all the things she expected Nick to say, this wasn't one of them. Raising her head, to look at Nick, he could see the tears pouring from her eyes. "Aww!! "Come on Cat, please don't cry", said Nick as he wiped her tears with his thumb. "I'm sorry Nicky, but I never realized you had these feelings for me". "Is that what's upsetting you"? "My saying I love you"? "I don't know Nicky, I know I've always felt a special warmth when I'm around you". "I guess I just never realized it was love, till today, when you kissed me".

"That wasn't a kiss Cat, this is a kiss". Taking her tightly in his arms, he kissed her with a passion she felt all the way down to her toes. Breaking the kiss, Catherine said...... "Don't let go of me Nicky, or I'll fall". "Never Cat, I'll never let you go".

haha, yeah, I want a hot part too :D Great story babes, your really doing amazing with it, I'm proud of you :D
Okay, I think I captured Lindsey's character. Thanks Lynn.

A short time later, Cat felt steady enough to stand on her own. "You okay now Cat"? "I think so Nicky, but I can still feel my heart beating quickly". "Me to sweetie", said Nick. "Listen Nick, Lindsey is going to be home soon, but I thought it might be nice, if you would stay for supper".
"I'd love to Cat", "Thank-you".

"Mom, I'm home, called Lindsey. "Hi sweetheart, how was your day"? "It was okay mom, math sucked though". As Lindsey walked into the Living room, she seen Nick sitting on the sofa. "Hi Nick, are you here to visit"? "I am Lindsey, how was your day"? "It was okay, I'm having alot of trouble with my math". "Well, I'll tell you what". "After supper, you and I will work on it together". "Honest Nick, you'll really help me"? "That I will Lindsey". "Thank you so much", said Lindsey as she ran up to her room too change out of her uniform.

During supper, Lindsey noticed some romantic eye contact, between Nick and her mom. She was rather enjoying, watching them sneek in little looks, at each other. "Have you had enough Nick"? asked Cat. "I have , thanks Cath, that was wonderful". "So how about we go work on that math kiddo"? "Okay, I'll grab my books, said Lindsey happily.

Catherine knew Lindsey was starving for a father to spend time and do things with her, which made Catherine a little sad, for she knew her choices in the past weren't the best for her , or for Lindsey.

With homework complete, Nicky told Lindsey, that if she passed her test, he'd take her and her mom out for dinner and a movie of her choice. "Honest Nick"? "Of course Lindsey, a promise is a promise, you get up to bed now, and I'll see you soon, okay"? "Okay, night mom", said Lindsey as she kissed her goodnight.

"She's an amazing girl Cath, you've done great with her". "Thanks Nick, though she's still in alot of pain". "That will ease with time cat, trust me, I know". Smiling Catherine asked....."Would you like some coffee Nick"? "Sure, that would be great". As Cathrine was making the coffee, Nick walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Cath inhaled a breath. "Easy sweetheart", said Nick, as he felt her heart skip a beat. Leaning back against Nick's shoulder, she allowed herself to be absorbed by the warmth of his breath, against her neck. "So sexy cat, I can feel your body, melting into mine". "Me to Nicky", let's just enjoy this moment".

*snuggles Lynn* I knew you'd find this story *g*

*moves away to snuggle Mac* MINE!

Nice work, LMH :) You do write them well.
Thanks for the wonderful FB. I was really nervous about writting for this couple. :)

After Nick left, Catherine got little sleep. she kind of wished Nick had stayed, but she also understood how important it was to take it slow.

The following morning, Catherine and Nick got called to work a case together. "It had to do with a child who had been shot by a stray bullet during a gang fight. On their way to the crime scene, Nick asked her how she slept last night. "Not bad, just a little restless". "Restless, why Cat"? "Thought's of you kept crossing my mind, disturbing my sleep". "Auh!!! "I thought I was the only one with restless dreams".

As they arrived at the crime scene, they seen Grissom, Warrick, Greg and Sara already there. "This must be big", said Nick, for us all to be here". "You got that right Nicky". "What have we got Gris"? asked Nick. "Three year old child, shot by a stray bullet". "What the hell is wrong with kids today"? asked Nick. "Listen, this is gang related, we have two rival gangs out to take each others territory". "You are all to process this scene quickly, and get all the evidence back to the Lab".

After Grissom left, Nick, Cat, Warrick, Greg and Sara, processed the scene. "Hey where were you last night Nicky"? "I tried to call you three times". "Oh, I had an early night last night". "Getting old are we"? laughed Sara. "No...... "But I did have lovely visuals of an Angel". Cat's face lit up by degrees. "Aww"! "That's sweet Nicky". As Nick winked at Cat, Sara said...."gag me already".

On their way back to the Lab, Nick reached his hand to take Cat's. As they touched, they both felt the electrical energy surge. *Whisper*....."Did you feel that Nicky"? "Yeah"! "I'm still feeling it Cath". Pulling over for a brief minute, Nicky undid their seatbelts, and softly took his fingers, as he placed them under Cat's chin, and turned her towards him he said....."I love you Cat", and when this happens between us, it will be forever, do you understand that"? "You are it for me Cat". With that said, Nicky crushed his lips upon Catherine's as she melted.

When they got back to the Lab, Cath was still shaking from the kiss Nicky planted on her. Never had she felt completely satisfied, just from one kiss. "Cath.......Can I see you for a moment please", asked Grissom. "CATH.........now please". "Oh yeah, sure Grissom". "Listen Catherine, I need to go too a seminar across town, I'm putting you in charge while I'm gone". "How long Gris"? "Just a few days, I know you can do it Catherine, you've done it before". "Sure, not a problem". "When do you leave"? "Tomorrow morning at 9am".

As Catherine left Grissom's office, she ran right into Ecklie. "How you feeling today Catherine"? "Much better, thanks for asking". "Have you spoken with Grissom yet"? "I have, and that's fine, I don't mind running the team". "You do realize, that means less time with your daughter". "I know that Ecklie, she'll be fine", said Catherine. "Okay than, I'll see you later".

"What was that about"? asked Nick. "Grissom is going out of town for a couple days, and has asked me to the run the team". "Ecklie is concerned about me not being able, to have someone care for Lindsey". "Do you have someone to look after her"? "Not really Nicky, I'll have to call my mom, I guess". "No you won't Cath, I'll take her for the few days, she'll love my big screen TV and video games". "Are you sure Nicky"? "Of course I'm sure, she's a part of you Cath, which makes her a part of us". "We'll be fine, and this just means, I get to see you more", smiled Nick.
Catherine's heart did a flip flop. "Okay than, I'll bring her by later". With a quick brush of his hand against hers, he left.
Ditto on that one :) *thwaps Mel* You wish he was yours, btw, but sadly, Macky's mine.

LMH, Your doing really great with this story, keep it up! :D
*thwaps Lynn back* Nope, MINE. *Points to the rule book yet again*

But maybe I'll share if you get back to your board and do some RP postage. *taps foot*
Later that evening, Lindsey was all excited about staying with Nicky while her mom worked. As they got up to his door, Lindsey knocked. (Knock,knock) "Hey, ther's my girls, come on in". "Wow"!!! "Look at the cool TV". "This is awesome Nick". "Glad you like it kiddo, there's video games to, go have a look".

After Lindsey ran off, Nick took Catherine in his arms and kissed her with passion. "You keep doing that Nicky, and I'll never get to work", smiled Cat. "Maybe that's the idea, maybe I'll just tie you to my bed forever". "Promises Nicky, I'm going to leave now, before we get into real trouble". After kissing him once more, Catherine left for her shift.

"So"! "What would you like to do Lindsey"? asked Nick. "Umm!! can we play a video game"? "Sure, you pick one". Lindsey choose Need4Speed 2. "You like racing Lindsey"? asked Nick. "It's alot of fun, I played this at my friends house". Popping in the game, they began to play.

Meanwhile....Catherine had just pulled in, when Warrick approached her. "Hey Cath, we have a crime scene, over at The Riviera". "Okay Warrick, let's get over there". When they arrived, they found the body of a male victim, floating in the pool. "What happened here"? asked Cath, to the manager. "Don't know"? "Found him laying here, like this". "Your job to figure it out", said the manager, as he left.

"What do you think Cath"? asked Warrick. "Who knows, and where is David"? "He's at another scene, said he'll get here as soon, as he can". As Catherine and Warrick waited, they chatted about Lindsey.

Meanwhile, David was across town, at another crime scene, with Sara and Greg. "Hey David, said Sara. "Hi Sara, how are you"? "Good thanks, busy night"? "Yeah"! said David. "Right after here, I have to head over to The Riviera, and meet Catherine and Lindsey". "Wow, said Sara, where is Nicky"? "Not sure, last I heard , he was babysitting Lindsey".

A few hours later......

Nick had put Lindsey in his room to sleep, until Catherine picked her up. As he sat down to watch the early morning news, Catherine knocked. "Hey sweetheart", said Nick. "You look so tired". Catherine just stared at Nick with heated passion, then without a word, she grabbed and kissed him smartly on the mouth. Wrapping her self around him, Nick had no choice but to hang on for dear life. "God Cat, slow down", whispered Nicky. "Uhuh!!! "Not this time Nicky, you have been in my thoughts the last twelve hours". Rubbing herself against him, he carried her to the couch and sat her on his lap. While still embraced, they started to rip at each others clothes. Passion and desire, want and need, exploded between them, as they loved each other wild cats in the early morning light. Once they were done, Catherine whispered......"Now that is what I call stress relief".
Nick laughed into Catherines neck. "You're telling me....
