That mother's heartbreak made tears come to my eyes.
I like that music when they found the car.
"Dumb as a spoon." :lol: That look that the guy gave Walter was funny.
"Let's go, Heff." :lol:
Loved Nat's sarcastic "awesome" when the suspect told her she was "smokin' hot" or whatever it was he said.
"Dave that is our first break. You are a rock star." hehe.
Loved in-charge Ryan.
W: Found a piece of skull.
R: Walter, that is a turtle shell. :lol:
I don't think they were making jokes at all. I saw nothing wrong with that scene. Walter truly thought that was a piece of skull. Ryan knew it wasn't and told him that. They were definitely NOT making light of the situation of the missing girl.
"Circle gets the square." for some reason that made me chuckle.
That was a long handshake between Ray and H. :lol:
"Think like a bear." :lol: Walter telling Ray its an honor to meet him was cute, but Loman's fanboy moment over Langston was a little over the top. I found it quite nauseating. A little too much rather than subtle and nice like Walter's comment. Loman acted like a young girl backstage at a Jonas brothers concert. :lol: The writers went a little too far with that scene IMHO.
H referred to Ryan by his first name.
Nice! That's been a while.
Loved Natalia's "Yes!" when they narrowed the possibilities to one. Very cute!
Zetas? Is that a fraternity or a gang? :lol:
Ryan, Walter and the bear. :lol: "Make yourself small and non-threatening!" "I can't make myself small and non-threatening!" :lol:
"You can't outrun a bear." "I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you." :lol: Loved Ryan grabbing a hold of Walter's arm like it would protect him to do so. :lol: Walter screaming. Jesse shoots the bear and says, "It's alright. You're safe now, girls." :lol:
Why is Natalia always stuck doing Valera's job?
Good lord that's a nasty looking bathroom.