FYI- The new season has been pushed back a week. It will now start on January 15, 2006. They will have to air back to back eps twice during the season to get the whole 24 hours in by May.
Last season 4 eppys were shown back-to-back on Sunday and Monday is that what they plan to do again? :rolleyes:

Yes they are planning to do the same this season. I believe it was set back a week to now start on the 15th of January
Yeah, and then they will have to show at least two more back to backs to get the season in by May. I'm thinking maybe the last two will be back to back.
Thanks very much for posting those pics jazzfan - new season looks cool as always :D not too sure about Jack's hair in some of those shots though :lol: it looks darker than normal and...something else they've done with it I can't quite describe :confused: Or maybe it's just me :lol:
Just found out Jack's new name this season.

Spoiler space just in case.

Frank Flynn. Yuck, I hate it. :(
that's the worst name thay could come up with... hmmm but I love 24 and Kiefer and ofcourse CARLOS so I have to watch it.. haha :lol: