*:·.CatNip.·:* #8: So Close, Can You Feel The Heat?

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Head of the Day Shift
Continued from here where we were talking about if CN would have a scene in the premiere, What's your thoughts?.

New thread, lets party! Number 8 Yall!
New thread, new thread, lalalalala! Awwww, hi CatNip buddies! I can't believe I was gone so long I missed the end of our shower thread! :( That said...I WUB the new title! Rock on! :D Totally fits CatNip...oh yeah! :devil:

Mmmmm, Lynny babes...let's see, yeah they have a scene in the premiere...did you not hear about that one? It was something like....*Cath walks in the front doors of the lab and before she has a chance to react is grabbed by the arm and dragged into the nearest layout room, still dark...there's just enough light for her to make out the handsome face of Nick Stokes...of course the fact that his face is less than an inch away from hers did help with that recognition...that and the fact that her body would know his no matter where it was or how close or far apart they stood. Catherine grins, unable to resist a little teasing..."What's the matter Nicky?" she purrs..."Wasn't this morning enough for you?" He smirks in return and before crashing his lips to hers replies..."Cath, you should know...when it comes to us, we'll never have enough!" :devil:

If only right?! :D
YAY! New thread *splurts chocolate sauce*

Kinky :lol:

rawr. (well now seeing it's 4am here....to bed I go) Nite!
I can't believe I missed the new thread opening. I made banners for the other threads, this one couldn't be any different.


I think if we're lucky we'll get a shared scene in the season opener.

I read that Catherine and Greg process the scene where Sara was kidnapped. I'd love for CatNip to have a scene by themselves, but given the lack of scenes last season I'll take anything.

It's hard to believe that this time last year we were getting excited about the dancing spoilers.
HELL YEAH for the new thread! :D Sorry Lynny, I had to put that in for the thread :lol: I really hope a good season premiere, because last season sucked for CatNip. Only the dancing and the touching scenes for them :devil: And yeah 'Leaving Las Vegas', I almost forgot that one!

To celebrate the new thread, I couldn't resist this screencap :devil: *joins the party*
Liffy you are SUCH a dork! I love it!
Hell yeah! A naughty one too :devil: :lol: ;)

Kels! :) I wasn't here last year to dorkify all the dancing spoilers, and there ain't any CatNip spoilers for me to do so now -dang it!

Love the design Lynny *pets CatNip*

rawr. <- this seems to have become my CatNip signature. Kinda like it.

Oh hey Mo were they clothed during that little spoiler of yours?? :devil:
New thread! Yay! *Parties*

CatNip in the premier? Hmm...I'd like to think we'll at least get a scene to analyse and obsess over. Just a little touch or smile or something.
YAY for the new thread :D
CatNip in the premier would be awesome! i need my CatNip. i want at least two real scenes, not just walking past each other in the lab or stuff like that...
I need my CatNip fix. I really need it. I'm going completely nuts with the "what if" and "omg" things in my head!.. Yes, I'm weird to have those. I'm really hoping that somehow, someway, they'll at least do something in the premiere. I'll take anything at this point. I said this about the finale too, I'll take even a freaking glare!

MO: I'd LOVE for your spoiler to be the one that happens. Please make them do it!

Liff: Rawr! hehe. aww its sad you weren't here for the dancing spoiler, maybe when we get some in, you'll be in here with us :D

Kels: Ooh lookie.. its my bitch.. How ya doing? I miss you. and Kickass banner!

Sor: HELL YEAH!!!.. Ooh you used the muscle cap, your so :devil: I love those caps. Yeah season 7 wasn't completely good to us, except for the dancing, touching/real close/flirty in the finale., angst in redrum, and shower scene in LoG.
I'm lovin' the new thread title! The heat is on, baby!

I love the scenario, Mo. Perfect. :D

Liff Dude exclaimed: "KINKY"

CatNip kinky? Never. :devil: :devil: :devil:

This coming fall I will completely miss CSI each Thursday night. Last season it was hard getting home to watch it in time, but this year I won't get to see it until after ten o'clock. But that just means I'll have to wait two hours later for some CatNip. I'm being positive and believing that the PTB will not short us on great scenes. Hey Dudes, give us something!

Hey, even their glares have heat! :cool:
Aud said:
CatNip kinky? Never. :devil: :devil: :devil:
Denial. CatNip is the epitomy of Kinky-ness :devil: Hehhehehe.

Kels! Love your new avvie -Cath/Marg is drool-worthy :devil:

Lynny deary said:
Liff: Rawr! hehe. aww its sad you weren't here for the dancing spoiler, maybe when we get some in, you'll be in here with us
Hell yeah! RAWR! I ain't goin' nowhere :devil: Bring on the spoilers (yeah...my SF only runs for NY) heheh.
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