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  1. I

    Dislike An LV Character?

    Re: Dislike A Character? I am going out on a limb here but i am really not all that crazy about O'Riley. He just stands around and really doesn't contribute all that much to any given case. I am not a big fan of Ek either. Guess we will just have to wait and see who wins the softball game...
  2. I

    How old are most CSI fans?

    I am 25 and CBS only has my attention for one hour a week!!
  3. I

    Tell Me Who, Who

    I do not recall the lady's name at this point in time but she is always called in to do the facial make up on all unknowns. I think her name is Terry ? But she and Gris always seem to have something going! There is a connection there. I would also have to say more of Lady Heather because she...