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  1. B

    8x07 - 'Bone Voyage' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I haven't really stayed up to speed with Miami (or with Vegas, truth be told :shifty: ) for the last couple of seasons, so I caught up with as many of this season's eps as I could this past week, on Time Warner's "Prime Time on Demand". First thing I noticed was the new characters (besides Jesse...
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    Kelly Hu & Kathleen Munroe

    You're right, Kelly Hu was Maka (I still miss her!) and Kathleen Munroe was Flack's sister, last season. :)
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    Kelly Hu & Kathleen Munroe

    Slightly OT: Not sure if this deserves it's own thread, but I didn't know where else to post it. I was just wondering if anyone else had caught this week's episode of the new "NCIS Los Angeles" 10/20, two of our recurring guest stars from CSI NY also guest starred on the same NCIS LA ep. Kelly...
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    Grade "Battle Scars"

    I thought it was pretty good, gave it a B+. I loved that it wasn't your typical murder, someone wasn't stalking the rich and bee-ootiful peoples of NY, as has been fairly typical on NY for the past several seasons. These are good people who you can identify with somewhat, and care about...
  5. B

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

    I glad to see that I wasn't alone in noticing Mac's "look" that he gave Flack during the crime scene when he appeared to indulge in a bit of flirtation with the pretty blond, and that Flack sounded like he was ever-so-slightly slurring his words when talking to Mac right afterwards. At first I...
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    Grade "Epilogue"

    As others have mentioned, I found this ep a bit anticlimactic - but not so much that I didn't enjoy it (gave it a B+). I liked how they gave the audience subtle things per character to chew on a bit. Stella and Adam of course, Hawkes moonlighting, Flack flirting with a woman in the bar and...
  7. B

    What's one thing you wish hadn't happened in CSI?

    Vegas: GSR. Never saw the chemistry, and probably never will. Not pursuing the Grissom/Lady Heather connection. Sophia leaving - I liked her character alot. Sarah coming back - those are definitely eps I won't be watching. :wtf: Warrick's death. NY: Aiden leaving/dying. I know it was her...
  8. B

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

    Great pics, and great spoilers (now that I'm done playing catch-up!) :thumbsup: Definitely a great look for Flack, but as someone else mentioned, I do hope we don't see a season-long tailspin for him... :( Looking forward very much to this season! (Formerly MBGrissom
  9. B

    Mac #7--Once a Marine, Always a Marine

    Hi-dee-ho fellow Taylor Girls! Formerly MBGrissom here, now "Bogart" under a new email and all that jazz... I sure missed this place! Real life has a way of getting in the way, especially during the summer... :vulcan: Awesome piccies... Uniform Mac! Wow, and here just when I was thinking Mac...