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  1. that_girl1

    The photos of the day!

    Wow I have not been here in the longest time. Adorable_Crazy +I really like how the flower is in the center. Good position. -Like you said its blurry when it gets big, but when its small it looks good. Here's a picture I took from a concert I went to last week. The band is Between The Trees
  2. that_girl1

    Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

    When I read whips out iPod I just thought of her saying WACHA! :LOL: NEW SUPERNATURAL EPISODE TODAY!!!!!! Yay! I is exited. :thumbsup:drool::
  3. that_girl1

    Khandi Alexander Departs CSI: Miami

    When I first read this I was shocked. All the recent drama with Gary and now this. The franchise is looking really bad on their part because all of their recent drama has been with african-American actors. In my opinion it would be really messed up if they gave the new actor more screen time...
  4. that_girl1

    Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

    Wow that_chick11 is a real bitch to start that rumor. :lol: This post had me from laughing to scared and all jittery in one. Ah! Lori is just psycho. :wtf:
  5. that_girl1

    Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

    I remember that ketchup! I don't see it anymore in the shelfs though. But it was weird and I think it tasted differently. You make me crack up every time I read Geni!
  6. that_girl1

    Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

    That had me rolling for a couple of minutes!:guffaw: Oh noes! Why does Anni have to die? :( Mwahaha great update :thumbsup:
  7. that_girl1

    The Official Pets thread

    My best friend gave me a hermit crab for my birthday. I think that the crab is weird because sometimes it would just go to a corner of the cage and stay inside the shell and not move. I get scared and think that its dead. :rolleyes: I wanted a hamster but my mom said that it was mouse like so...
  8. that_girl1

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    Leela that is the best birthday present that I can receive today :p
  9. that_girl1

    Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

    Innuendo. Haha sorry that word just sounds so funny to me :lol: I laughed so much Geni you don't even know. Awesome updates!:bolian:
  10. that_girl1

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    Oh okay I get it now. I mix things up very easily. :wtf:
  11. that_girl1

    Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Business

    Re: Supernatural #2 Jared got engaged with his girlfriend of many years Sandy McCoy. I was disappointed when I first read this but now I am happy for them. :)
  12. that_girl1

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    I was thinking today about how Calleigh and Eric have to have sex like NOW!
  13. that_girl1

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    These are the leftover thread titles. I don't know if anyone would want to use them. - Coming Soon To An Illegal DVD - As Foretold by Nostradamus - 80% Hotness By Volume - It Just Won't Stay Dead
  14. that_girl1

    CSI: Miami Picture Thread ~Possible S6 Spoilers~

    I just went to heaven and came back down again. Thanks for the pictures!
  15. that_girl1

    Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

    Dayum drama for your mama. Horatio isn't so perfect after-all. What a big surprise. Nice storyline. :thumbsup:
  16. that_girl1

    Math thread!

    I have the same problem as you do grssom89. I understand the subject when the teacher is explaining it but when it comes to the tests I draw up a blank. I take algebra 2 and I don't hate it but I don't love it either.
  17. that_girl1

    Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Business

    Re: Supernatural #2 YAY! New thread!! Let's have some pig 'n a poke and wait until the new episode airs! Ahah that totally didn't make sense but I can't wait for the new episode its sounds interesting
  18. that_girl1

    CSI: Miami Picture Thread ~Possible S6 Spoilers~

    I don't know if this picture is a spoiler or not but it TV Guide Magazine they have an article on Miami returning back to filming. ETA: Another article Sorry for the crappy photos but my scanner isn't working
  19. that_girl1

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    I am currently reading The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. I had to do a research paper on her poem "Daddy" and this novel was mentioned several times. I went to the bookstore to see if I could find The Perks of Being a Wallflower but unfortunately I couldn't find it and I stumbled upon The Bell Jar...