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  1. D

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys! Sorry I didn't express my gratitude earlier - why do children's ear infections always show up at 1am on a weekend? Oh well... As for George's birthday, in my (limited) experience guys aren't as into 'things' for presents. I think Jacquie has it right when...
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    George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

    Jacquie you're absolutely right and the last thing I would want to do is accuse or offend anyone here. I've lurked on several boards and y'all are the best, nicest bunch of people - the only board I've ever felt comfortable enough to post on. Just before I posted here I read a cruel comment...
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    George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

    The only continuity issue was his jacket - when he first interviewed Charlie in the hospital Nick had on this shiny black zippered one. In the next scene when he was talking to Megan it was replaced by an older leather jacket with snaps that he kept for the rest of the episode. I don't know...
  4. D

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

    Hi guys, I'm new here. Quick question - on the message boards for the show someone posted saying they saw George at a sandwich shop and he appeared injured - he was holding his shoulder and moving very slowly as he got on his bike. Just thought I'd ask if anyone here has heard anything...