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  1. R

    Jonathan Togo in a new web series!

    I'm sorry I love you to death Jonathan but nooooooooooooooooooooo :shifty:
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    Episode 6x21 - 'Going Ballistic' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Yes there was blood that started to seep out around his body. I have a 62" HD TV - I see things sometimes that people don't!!! It was there - trust me on this. At first, I thought that Ryan had the guy who was in jail's phone (maybe retrieved it after the guy had to give up all of his items...
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    Episode 6x21 - 'Going Ballistic' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I didn't like that cold intense look on Ryan's face when he read that message. It was disturbing to say in the least.
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    Ryan/Jon # 18: Why can't we cap our dreams?

    Sweatervests!!!!! LOL
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    Ryan/Jon # 18: Why can't we cap our dreams?

    Hey everyone!! It's been awhile - trying to get back into the swing of things with the new year and the new computer. I am really hoping this stupid writer's strike will end soon so that we can get back to new epis of Miami!!! It figures as soon as Ryan is reinstated, all new epis come to a...
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    Ryan/Jon # 18: Why can't we cap our dreams?

    Hidey Ho!!! Haven't been on in awhile. Long story short - computer crashed and had to buy a whole new one.
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    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. My H destroyed this computer and it is filled with viruses. I did a system restore, but I highly doubt that got rid of the problem. His computer genius friend really needs to come and fix ALL the problems that this computer has. Anyway - WOW we are almost...
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    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    Just popping in to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all my US Togoholics!!!!! Have a great day!
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    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    OMG - the people that still have yet to see the new epi on tonite listen carefully to his Boston accent in the scene that he is in with Natalia all the way in the beginning of the show. He says the words "He's running from something bigger now." You can TOTALLY hear the accent in that...
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    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    No prob peeps!! I knew you would like what I have to deliver. Just call me CSI RaCk!!! :D Is it bad and immature that I almost fell on the floor from laughing everytime he said the word vagina? :lol: :devil:
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    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    I don't know if anyone has seen these. You're gonna love me!!! I have NO idea when these were done though..... We are allowed to post youtube videos now right? Here they are!!! Just a small warning - he's got quite the potty mouth so it may not be suitable for work or child environment...
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    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    Congrats Athlov!!! Welcome Devin - and Athlov welcome to motherhood! It's fun and exciting and an exhilirating ride!!!! My advice to you - always ask if you need help, and if anyone offers it TAKE IT!!!! Don't try to take it all on. Get as much sleep as you can. And I am not going to lie, the...
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    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    Ok so it's Miami FLORIDA and he is wearing.... Button down shirt with a sweater OVER it with a blazer OVER THAT :confused: And I am glad that he is back but still not many scenes tonite.
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    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    I have to tell you that I totally agree with what Twiz said. I didn't get that joking vibe from Frank at all during that scene. Only because of their last encounter. Oh and Need4Speed - I spit seltzer water through my nose from laughing when I saw your new avatar. That is some funny shiz.....
  16. R

    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I really hope they elaborate on Ryan's past. I mean Horatio said it again tonite "It's in your blood. Don't you forget it." And the way Ryan stood there and reflected on what H said - I really hope they bring more info on his character this season!!!!
  17. R

    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    Thanks for the birthday wishes! Twiz - I totally and literally LOLed at the pic. THANK YOU!! You made my day!!!!!
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    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    Hey there everyone!! Can't wait until tomorrow's new episode. He better have more scenes!!! Today I am just chillin and enjoying my birthday!
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    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    What the hell? Thank goodness I didn't blink or else I would have missed him!! This is reeeedicuuuuuulousssssss!!!!
  20. R

    Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

    As much as I would love to see Speed alive and Rory Cochrane come back to the show, I was kind of glad that in the end he (Speed) wasn't (alive) - only because it would have contradicted everything that happened in Lost Son. I already watch soap operas with far fetched storylines where people...