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  1. B

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    wow, okay... :eek: :D I haven't been on in what feels like forever for me, but wow... I read the article and I have to say I am quite happy... okay, more than happy (like most of you) that Calleigh will finally get her epi, this season... I can't wait to see it in Australia.. *waits overly...
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    H/Cal #5 - DuCaine...Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

    Re: H/Cal #5 - Untitled Oh, what's this I see? A new thread?! :lol: Hey, guys! I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long, you probably don't even remember me.... :P I've been really busy, but school finishes in a few weeks (I think, thank god!) and then I'll have 8 weeks to make up for my...
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Hey, all! I updated my fic (finally) and heres the link: It's only short, but its better thsn nothing, right? :devil: Oooooh! :devil: All this talk about the new season and upcoming episodes is getting me excited! :lol: Too bad I have to...
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    "Hurricane Anthony" Remake - DuCaine, Angst, PG13

    WAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! :devil: :lol: I'm baaaack! and with an extremely short update. Well, its nearly an entire page in word, but whatever..... :p ~~~~~~~~~~ Jumping slightly at Calleighs sudden decision to thrash around, Horatio Caine grew increasingly worried about this woman he was watching...
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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    aussieturtle , I know how you feel, becauyse I'm from Australia too... grrr... I hardly get any Emily :p It's so hard sometimes... :lol: Hey, everyone! I haven't been on in ages, but I'm glad to be on now! Loving all the new pics, and the discussion... that flower arranging pic is just the...
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    Marg Helgenberger montage thread #1 - Marg is Love

    oooooh...!!!!!!!!!! :D Great work so far everyone! :) I've gone a little nutty as of late, because I've been without potoshop for so long, but not to worry, I might be getting it installed on my comp soon :)
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    Fan Videos - Shipper Central Style

    Here are a couple of my old GSR vids: Boulevard of Broken Dreams: Call Me When You're Sober: Perfect World: And heres an Eddie/Cath/Nick video Far Away...
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Hey! :lol: It's great to see yas too! :D :p Oh, sh**, oh sh** oh, sh**!!! *tackles too* :lol: Hey, lynny! :p Sorry that I haven't been on in ages guys, more personal stuff has come up, but now that I've sorted it out, I'm gonna try and make an effort to get on more often! :) I've missed you...
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Hi, all! :D Sorry I haven't been on in like forever, it's just I have had so much to do... :( Love all the new poemss, pics and convo going on in here :) I'l be sure to check out that new video, also :) I'm sure it'l be great :D Keep up the great work everyone! BG
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    What do I know about? :lol: I am soo forgetful sometimes.. :p :lol: I'm sure you'll tell me later or something... ;) :lol: Also, I am loving the pics on here girls! I haven't had alot of chances to go around to your poetry threads and all, but I'll be sure to do it sooner or later :D...
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    CSI: DuCaine

    EM!! :lol: that was soo funny and awesome :D keep it up ;)
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Hehe.... this is going to be so fun :devil: or maybe as some fluff before the you know what on the you know who (co written fic :p) does the thingamabob to the dear L.T. and Co. ....... :lol: Keeping it top secret, we are! :lol: *sighs, drops feathers and other torture devices* party pooper :p...
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    "Hurricane Anthony" Remake - DuCaine, Angst, PG13

    hehe... thanks for all the reviews, girls! :D I'm a bit busy, but I'll try and get the rest of the chapter up by the end of the week or maybe even today :D Melly, don't scare me please.. :eek: :lol: It's gonna be a happy ending, so yeah... eventually... muahaha.. :devil:
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    "Hurricane Anthony" Remake - DuCaine, Angst, PG13

    Yes, I did :D The likeness of him was soo scary :lol: Okay, I kinda feel guilty for leaving this thread for so long, so here is what I've done of Chapter three so far :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER 3 "Hey there sweetheart.. you're back again..." Horatio uttered in a calm voice that was nothing...
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    "Hurricane Anthony" Remake - DuCaine, Angst, PG13

    :lol: Alright girlies! :lol: (is high from watching Scary Movie 2 and A Scanner Darkly) I ma having a bunch of problems with writing up the new chapter, but I am nearly done with it, so it should be up very soon. That's a promise :D And to Cinegirl, Y'alls just have to wait a little while...
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    Conquences: The Trial

    (Hey, all :lol: I think we should maybe go looking for new people to fill the roles or take them up ourselves if we expect this ot go anywhere.... in fact, I think I have someone to play Horatio and I'll gladly take Calleigh up...? If that helps PM me... also, if theres a character that needs...
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    *rolls eyes* EM!! :lol: I have another idea to put in our RP... :P *gets out book and writes it down* :devil: What this about a crap summary I'm reading about? I haven't been on in like a few days but I miss most of the convo... :lol: anyways, PM me with the answe rif ya have it, cause I...
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    Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

    Hi, All! :D I'm a bit of a Melina fan and for my buddy CathStokes I came here to have a look at the name... Queen of Hearts Sounds like a great name. It really suits both Stella and Melina... I can't explain it ( curse my teenage brain :lol: ) But it just feel right.. :lol:
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Kissme!!! :devil: *huggles* You're back! :lol: Emer, you know there is only one style I can tolerate when it comes to our favorite couple... Dirrrty Dancing... :p :lol: Nahh... I could imagine them doing ballroom and tango.. Horatio with a cute little rose in his mouth and Calleigh in his...
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    hehe.... Emer :devil: I love that, you know that right? and I was also the very first one to post a comment on the vid, I was pretty suprised that 12 hours went by before I even realised it was up :eek: :lol: and yess... that is just like in our RP..... heyy.. *swapns evil and sexy new idea*...