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  1. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    I'm also wondering what's been going on between our boys. Any word of any Nick/Greg goodness from the current season? Especially now that our boys will be the only two original cast members left on the show after the departure of Catherine.
  2. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    So what's the word, every? How goes the season? Any new caps from aired episodes that you can share?
  3. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    They always seems to be trying to throw a love interest in between Nick and Greg, but it always ends up going sour. I'm sure TPTB have learnt their lesson about on screen relationships from the mess that was GSR, so they should heap plenty of The Love subtext on us if they're wise, given how the...
  4. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    We're still going strong, AFIS, don't worry! And keep the faith with Catherine/Sara - you never know. When Grissom's away, the girls might play! Thank you so much for the caps, CazzBlade. They're fast tracking the season here, it turns out, and I was pleased by the amount of Nicky. Not so much...
  5. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Stop teasing! What happened, who was there, and do you have any lovely screencaps to share with we unfortunate few who won't get the new season for a while.
  6. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    So, anyone willing to do a season wrap up for Season 11? I only just got my hands on the DVDs of Season 10 (they only just came out in Australia). What were the best moments for our boys in Season 11? Anyone got any brilliant screen shots not already posted? Anyone else looking forward to Season...
  7. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Oh nice. The Love is still going strong. XD Love the new caps, blackflag. They've unfortunately got CSI on at the exact same time as Supernatural here, and Dean/Cas wins at the moment. We Aussies are still waiting for the Season 10 DVD release (no sign of it in the near future, either) and...
  8. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Indeed it would. Just something simple that could be interpreted in any way that the viewer wishes, but pure gold for we shippers. Mind you, I've heard the rumours of what's ahead (see spoiler thread if interested), but it won't change my love for the ship. Speaking of love, there is a music...
  9. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Absolutely love the screen caps. Nick and Greg have been haunting my dreams of late, including subtle little ways that should be in the show to prove that they are canon. I'd really love to see a shot of one of them on the steps to their house, and the other coming out and sitting next to them...
  10. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    We got to see the "leprechaun" episode last night. I loved the way Nick said that and Greg's reaction. Also, the competing over the entry point. The episode of course had a couple of bonus' for we fic writers - a) we learnt Nick seems to be over the Stalker thing, and b) that Papa Olaf calls...
  11. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    The season has just started here in Australia. I must say that I was a little disappointed by the lack of Greg, but loved that both Nick and Greg had a chance to be heroes at different points in the episode. Shirtless and dirty Nick is always a good thing, and I had to wonder about why Nick had...
  12. Clarrisani

    Season 11 Spoiler Pic Thread

    Greg! I am so pleased that we finally have pictures of Greg! :D
  13. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Has anyone seen the "Remember the First Time" trailer for Season 11? Some great shots in there from early CSI, including Greg with lots of hair. Man the team were so young back then. It does raise the question - do you remember the first time you first saw The Love? Mine is actually episode...
  14. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    I actually cried when I heard that David Rambo left. He was a shining light on the CSI crew, and gave us so many great moments. We can only cross our fingers that this doesn't mean the end of the best and longest living pairing on the show. I must say it is great news that Eric and George are...
  15. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    This thread was about to fall off the bottom of the page! The silence is distressing, people. Does this mean that we don't get any major moments of The Love toward the end of the season? We just had "Unshockable" here in Australia, so I'm curious about what there is for me to look forward too...
  16. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Well, CSI is back on here in Australia, and I have been most satisfied by the moments of The Love that we've been getting. Tonight's episode was "Better Off Dead", and I was intrigued by the way Greg said "Are girls really into this stuff?" I might be reading too much into it, but it almost...
  17. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Mirroring. It really is a brilliant visual representation of the relationship between the boys. If you look back through the seasons you can find several eps when they do it, and I always get a thrill whenever I spot/hear about a new moment. Can't wait for this ep to air here in Australia...
  18. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Hojem is Greg's mother's maiden name and Greg's middle name. I've always viewed his grandparents as "Nana and Papa Olaf Hojem", with Greg referring to his Nana by her "married name" which, for some I've noticed, can include the first name of the husband. Might be the case with Greg. Anyone can...
  19. Clarrisani

    "Working Stiffs" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Does anyone know if this clip is posted elsewhere, because it is yet another evil "not available in your country" clip. :(
  20. Clarrisani

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    "Ghost Town" just finished about 10 minutes ago here in Australia. All I have to say is that this season so far looks very promising for we fans of The Love. I absolutely adored their fight followed by the spider scene last week, and then this week the peep hole scene... There certainly is a...