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  1. C

    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    I can safely say I echo my feelings on how this whole E/C thing feels like it's being shoved down our throats. *Sigh* Sometimes I wish I just stuck with the flagship series. Hey writers remember back early on when our favorite duo had actual screentime together?? Where it'd go!? :(
  2. C

    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    I will admit the two have great chemistry together, and they're obviously close but who says that two members of the opposite sex can't just be best friends? Great example Roz and Frasier of from Frasier were nothing but the best of friends and when they did sleep with each other they decided it...
  3. C

    Season 8: Returning Stars & Show *NO SPOILERS*

    Re: Season 8: Returning Stars & Show I hafta admit reading a snippet today while in Borders in the current issue of TV Guide about whether or not Jorja would return gave me butterflies. It'd make me sad to see her leave the show as she is one my favorite characters since the getgo. But Louise...
  4. C

    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Don't worry about it. ;) I'm a very peaceful sort. :D That first I one adore as it's my fave picture of the duo. :D So many choices for postcards!! :eek: *wonders how many to send out.* :devil:
  5. C

    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Yes, I'm reading a CSI:Miami novel called "Cult Following" by Donn Cortez. It's a pretty interesting read so far. I think you can find them in the Mystery section at the bookstore. ;) There are several other CSI books in the Miami genre to choose from. The first two were pretty good reads too...
  6. C

    CSI: DuCaine

    Emer I need to make it a point to come back in here more often. I read all that I missed since I last popped in here and wow! :eek: Your version of Officer Down had me in tears, poor Horatio. :( The other reads were very good too, I loved the Dead Zone and Open Water continuations especially...
  7. C

    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Relax honey, I was just giving an example, besides BG knows that I'm as passionate about that pairing as I am with Ducaine. ;) And besides that pairing is still a big mystery to us, me thinks that they had something going on in the past if you know what I mean. :p :devil: Getting back on...
  8. C

    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    You never know. I mean look at Mac and Stella of CSI: NY and the way they are with one another, yet they are still just friends and nothing more. I wouldn't worry about it too much. We will prevail! TracyLynn Thanks!! I'll get on those right away, I have some glossy photo paper I can use and...
  9. C

    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Since I really want to partake in this postcard operation, I have a few questions, namely what kind of materials or whatever will I be needing and also what I should put on the thing. We need to get TPTB attention and show them we care about our characters dangnabit!! No Ducaine action in the...
  10. C

    What's better C.S.I. / C.S.I. NY or C.S.I. Miami

    I wholeheartedly agree with you. When I first got into the original I was well aware of the spin-offs and I told myself, okay I'm not going to start watching all of them otherwise it'll be overkill. Suffice it to say things changed. :lol: I love that about the shows, they're not copy cats of...
  11. C

    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Bullet_Girl daring to jump ship? :eek: Mebbe I should send you the snippet from the fic I'm working on at the moment, that'll make you think twice. ;) Hcrazy: Your manips as always hun, rock. \m/ :cool: CathStokes: Mo better not!! Especially after that delish little preview I gave her of my...
  12. C

    Alexx Woods Appreciation Thread

    Bumping this thread back up. ;) Is it just me or does Alexx have trouble with fires? I mean really, I can't helpt but wonder about this after watching an episode in S3 where they recover a body out in the glades and she and Eric are nearly taken down by a flash fire.
  13. C

    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    *pries self from her novels and Season 3 of CSI: Miami to peek into thread* BG: Holy Cow! I nearly believed you killed him just reading that snippet girly! Gripping stuff, have you ever written any full fanfics? I'd love to read them if you had. Mo: *glomps Mo* Mo!! I always see you on MSN but...
  14. C

    Alexx Woods Appreciation Thread

    In an attempt to bump this topic back up, lets share each other's favorite Alexx quotes. :D Mine is definitely this one here: Speedle: You need some help? Alexx: Nah. I could undress a dead man in my sleep. Speedle: Leaving that one alone. :lol: :lol: :lol: Poor Speed. XD
  15. C

    Chinese Food and An Old Pair of Jeans: A DuCaine fic

    YAY!! Mmmm...fluffy goodness. :D I really liked this fic, gave me warm fuzzies inside.
  16. C

    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    *sneaks into thread* Anyone miss me? :p I've been off the boards for awhile namely thanks to a few things CSI: Miami related; those awesome paperback novels and Season 3. Dear god I'm hooked. The most recent episode I watched was After the Fall, such a great episode and I adored the...
  17. C

    DuCaine songs--Steaming up the Radio Waves!!

    Re: Steaming up the Radio Waves...DuCaine songs! Currently addicted to the artist Daughtry from American Idol's last season thanks to a friend at work. And wow!! Ducaine ahoy!! :eek: I've only just started watching Season 3, but this song seems strangely befitting especially considering how...
  18. C

    Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Thread

    Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th So David has an eye condition that keeps him out of the lab and from doing close ups huh? Man that stinks. :( Speaking of seeing Horatio in the lab, I was watching an early episode from Season 3 of Miami and I nearly squee'd with...
  19. C

    Alexx Woods Appreciation Thread

    Is it just me or does Alexx have a tendency to call others honey as well as baby? Regardless I cannot hate this woman she's as sweet as peaches. :D She's so pretty too, Khandi has beautiful skin I'm so envious...I wonder what her secret is?
  20. C

    CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    *hugs* Aww no worries hun, I appreciate that you tried though. :)