ok....im really sorry about this!!!
the board is going to kill me, but i owe it you guys to seee this!!!!
i actually nearly flooded my livingroom out!!!!
~Edited: URL has been removed for violation of the Adult content rule.~
ok sounds like a good plan *grabbs coffee for FEENX* there we go babe that should wake you up!!!
1:end of conversation
2: thats why your not a polar bear! (lmao!!!)
3:rot in hell!
4: your ass is mine!
5:pizza my office!
hmmmm....now your talking!!!
band: toploader
song: time of my life
clips: any with him having a laugh and obv. the topless scene!
and ill be very happy lol!
i voted formailities!
due to the fact its set at a collage teen party...doing drugs and drinking, it will have a hidden message behind the sexyness of grissom in a tux lol!!!
Re: William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4
it works for me to WP lol!!
ok...i know this hasnt got a cap but....it is a new pic from S7 and he has greyer hair !!!! YEY!!!!!
love him and the white hair!!
speaking of you tube...there isnt a lot of NY vids is there :(
im dissapointed!
ive found some goos ones but when i click on them it dont work!!!!
we need some good shipper vids on there 2!