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  1. B

    Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

    Dude, Mac's a marine. He may be retired, but he could still slay Horatio ten times over without breaking a sweat.
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    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    *snort* That? Sounds like an awesome episode. *bounces excitedly in anticipation*
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    Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

    I think she'd put Horatio right in his place and go back to Mac ('cuz we all know she & Mac are... ;) ) (Heh. I don't like Horatio much, I don't know if that's obvious.)
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    Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

    I don't even think we get MadTV over here. Unless maybe it's on one of the random American channels I've never bothered to watch (I only know of ABC1 and a couple of news channels. Heh.)
  5. B

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    *daydreams* ... sorry? What was that? Holy tux, batman!
  6. B

    Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

    Awesome stylist, if it was the latter.
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    Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

    I love the white dress pic, and I also love the one after it with the red shirt. So beautiful.
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    Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

    I love that picture! I made an icon of that once.. it's so cute.
  9. B

    Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

    That'd be so awesome. (We don't get that show here. :( ) & iheartnickcath, your avatar is awesome! "Atta boy...!"
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    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    I keep saying 'Flackline' instead of Tagline, due to Eddie Cahill's previous role in Friends. Oops. And it's a genuine mistake, too, which makes me worry even more for my sanity (or lack thereof).
  11. B

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    Yes! I have Montana cookies in my cupboard, and I keep calling them Lindsay cookies without thinking. (Also on a similar note, I've been watching a lot of JAG recently and in one ep, there was a USS Belknap, and the next, a USS Montana. Hehe.)
  12. B

    Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

    Uhuh, that's where I got rambo from. And Supply and Demand, what an awesome episode. I should watch the second set of DVDs more, rather than just the disc with Officer Blue on it. I'm so predictable in that sense.
  13. B

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Tri-Borough 20 Tanglewood 9 Til Death Do We Part 6 The Fall 27 On The Job 42-1=41 The Closer 11+1=12
  14. B

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    I agree, but I think such a huge change in his character so quickly is a little unrealistic. Mac seems to me to be the sort of person who is naturally very private and guarded, even without the weight of war memories, his wife dying, anything and everything else that happened. CSI: Vegas...
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    Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

    Hopefully the return of rambo!Stella. A continuation of the return of the bond between her and Mac, because that was missed in season two; it felt unnatural.
  16. B

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    Totally! But it did before, because I love that song anyway. - Not a day goes by without either an episode reference, a quote, character (or actor in other roles) reference, or all of the above. - You've memorised the movies that actors have been in and scour the TV guide every week to see if...
  17. B

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    I think I'm the only person who doesn't want to see that. In season one, Mac was a very private person and that flipped 180 in season two: he plays in a jazz club, he invites people to his office for pizza... these things just stuck me as so NOT Mac. And I admit, people change, but that was...
  18. B

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Officer Blue 1+1=2 Tri-Borough 16 Recycling 2 Tanglewood 9 Til Death Do We Part 8 The Fall 27 Supply And Demand 1 On The Job 41-1=40 The Closer 10
  19. B

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Officer Blue 2+1=3 Tri-Borough 15+1=16 Recycling 5 Tanglewood 8 Til Death Do We Part 8 The Fall 25 Supply And Demand 2 On The Job 41-1=40 The Closer 9
  20. B

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Officer Blue 3+1=4 Tri-Borough 16 Recycling 5 Tanglewood 6 Til Death Do We Part 9 The Fall 25 Supply And Demand 5 On The Job 39-1=38 The Closer 8