Wow, I've never realized how many people are here from the UK, Germany and Canada until now. That's quite a lot *hehe*. As I'm from Germany and currently living in the Scotland, I have to say that I'm feeling home now ;).
Hmm, haven't been here for a quite a while but I hope that it'll change :D
Unfortunately I couldn't watch this episode but clicking through the thread and seeing all those Screencaps: I only wanna watch this scene :D. There is a DF Scene and I missed it. Meeeh.
As for DF, there a couple of...
hey there =)
Actually I'm from Germany but currently living in Scotland. My city is near Glasgow and I like it so far. Don't know which episode is airing because I didn't had enough time :(.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?
I love your Wallpaper Rina :D It's so cute. The german version (dvd) is good but in english its better.
It would be a cute scene when Danny calls Flack Donnie. Heh and Donnie would kiss his kinkapoodle for giving this nickname...
Awww!! A Danny/Adam Shipper Thread :D Well they are looking so cute together and its my favorite pairing (after D/F). I've watched the second season and I've seen some screencaps of S3 and yes, they are so cute :D They have their moments together (I wished they had more ;) ).
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The
Hey Guys! Haven't been here for a while and yes, I've missed this thread so much :D
Thanks for the cute screencaps (snagged some because i'm evil :D). I've never realized how many times Flack is staring at Danny (does it make sense?)...
Really lovely Icons Guys :D
I'm not sure if it's allowed but I've made2 Icons of the actor Jonathan Togo.
click here for the icons
Two animated Icons, hope you like them. *blush* If it's not allowed feel free to delete this post.
Joycie84 I love the Lindsay Wallpaper. It's simple (uhm right word.. don't know ;) )
polina Horatio :D I like it :D
katpin31791 H! Good work ;) :D
lindsaymonroe Aawww the Wallpaper is one of my favorites. It's so cute *sigh*
Guys, you are amazing :D So many lovely Wallpapers ;) Snagged some *giggle*
Aiden_Burn I love it ;) uhm and I love the style.
This is my first Carmine G. Wallpaper . Hope you like it ;).
Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers**
Thank you for the new and hot pictures vegaslights :D Love the first one *giggle* because Danny and Flack and *giggle* Thanks for sharing :D
Macayla really lovely Icons :D love the danny ones. Heh I like your Wallpapers especially the Carmine one.
CrimeShark nice colors =) Love the danny and flack ones :D
This is my first post (entry) in this Thread =) I've made some CSI NY Icons. Well it's only 6 ones :oclick here to see the rest
Just played a little bit with Photoshop.. Hope you like them.