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  1. R

    Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

    Out of curiousity (and for the sake of a new discussion :p), has anyone ever compared these guys to Romeo and Juliet? It just popped into my head minutes ago, and I thought I might as well ask. Because, when you think about, their families would be 'feuding', right? I mean, Flack's family is...
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    The Craziness Continues-Caption Contest 2

    Mac: Stop right now, thank you very much, I need somebody with the human toooouuuuch. ((Anyone remember the Spice Girls? Mac seems to...)) _________________ Mac: Hey! That's my favourite tie! Thief! Someone call the police!
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    Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

    Thank you, Fay. I feel very special right now. :) And in COTP, if I remember correctly...Danny was pretty much leading Search and Rescue. :rolleyes: He wasn't showing much panic, but Danny can keep his emotions in check if they aren't going to help much. Then again, he has been known to freak...
  4. R

    Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

    *looks around* Wow! I haven't been here for a while. Hey, I just got back from DNA camp! I got to pretend to be a CSI for a week! Yay! *coughcough* Anyway... Yeah, I don't think alcohol is necessary for Flack. It wouldn't be good for him. He's already pretty intoxicated, yes? ;) In all...
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    'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

    Yah, I love the mountains. I don't really have much of an opinion of the prairies as I've only been out there once and I hardly remember it. OoOoh, did I read 'snow'? We almost never get snow on the coast (stupid maritime climate). Every once in a while, though, we get lucky. Your welcome for...
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    'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

    Don't you love it when conversations switch from one topic to a completely different one? I do. My friend and I tried to back track our conversation was really funny. Yep. Right on the coast. It is really lovely over here. I would truthfully not want to live anywhere else ('cept for...
  7. R

    What's your favourite CSI theme song?

    While I do like all of the songs, I must say that 'Baba O'Riley is my favourite. 'Who Are You' is fun to sing, but it kinda gets repetative after a while. I don't know 'WGFA'. I like the beat and lyrics in 'Baba O'Riley' yeah...
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    Crazy Caption Contest

    Flack: *thinking* Whoa...look at that mole. It's got, like, a hair growing out of it. Ah man, look at that thing! It's disgusting! It's so...big...yuck. Oh, GOD! Just...back away...
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    'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

    That's more than I could ever ask, my friends. *sniff* My settlement has been...*sniff* heard of! The biggest town near by...uhhhh...I guess Sechelt would have to be it. I know that's on the map. That martin you guys are talkin' 'bout reminds me of a ferret. My friends have a couple. They're...
  10. R

    Why Lindsay Must Go

    Perhpas 'stoic' wasn't the best word, eh? I always have trouble picking my words...Personally, I didn't find her emotional at all (well, maybe just a little) in the beginning of the season. Towards the end, though, she does become super inconsistent. And it isn't any fun to watch. Of course, my...
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    'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

    Actually...I'm the sidekick to the girl who's gonna take over the world. We already planned on it, though I think I've been replaced. Which is sad, because I was gonna be the only person not put into slavery...But I like your idea better. :D Yes...I think I'll take over the world... Drum roll...
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    'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

    Yay! The Welcome Wagon! Thanks! Where abouts am I from? The middle of nowhere in the Lower Mainland! We didn't even make it on the map! The zoomed in map... And I remember YOU, jorja_fan! Love the videos you gave the links to, as well. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Ooooh, just listening to the guys...
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    'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

    Wow...I've never been here before. *looks around curiously* Heeeeeeelllllllllooooooooo, my fellow Canadians! I've found you at last! You know, it's ironic that I find this thread just as some show (Mentors) comes on TV (stupid sister left it on), and King Arthur goes lookin' for the Holy Grail...
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    Weird Dreams

    Even thought this is, like, the off topic thread, I must say I had a CSI NY dream. :eek: In which Mac was dressed full Marine outfit with a rifle or something, and Danny was standing there as bait for some guy. Mac's, like, right there, and the guy they're waiting for comes right up to Danny...
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    Crazy Caption Contest

    Mac: Danny, this is the last time I'm gonna warn you. Don't sneak up to scare a Marine. Danny: It was just a joke! Mac: SAY IT! Say, 'I won't sneak up on Mac'. *tightens grip* Danny: Mac! Relax -- *cough* Mac: Say. It. *tightens grip* Danny: *coughcough* Uh...*cough* Uh, Mac -- Mac: *growl*...
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    Why Lindsay Must Go

    Hating a character just because they replaced another is so silly! :lol: I don't get it. I mean, okay, the characters gone...Well...have a little cry and move on. That's life. Shouldn't take it out on someone else. Don't get me wrong, I love Aiden to pieces, and the fact that they brought her...
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    Why Lindsay Must Go

    Top, I can so see where you're coming from with that, and you bring up some really good arguments. That's another thing that bothered me (though, for me, it paled in comparison to her inconsistentness). She definately is a Mary-Sue. I've never ever been able to read those stories without...
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    Why Lindsay Must Go

    Phew. Haven't been on in a while, my friends. I've been lurking for a long time, just too lazy to sign in (you all know what I mean). Anyway, I just couldn't resist giving my thoughts (anyone have a penny? ;)). In my opinion, Anna's acting doesn't bother me. I find it rather good. It's the...
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    Crazy Caption Contest

    Hi, everyone. Long time...reader? First time player. DANNY: But-I don’t get it...he said if I shone the light on the print, a magic pony would appear and grant me three wishes! STELLA: *stares disbelievingly* At least you have your looks...