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  1. R


    Yeah, it's sad that she's leaving... She's one of the few Divas who can actually wrestle well. She's been my favourite Diva ever since I first saw her on TV, and that was when she was still with Team Xtreme... Anyway... I just ordered Survivor Series! :D Doreen, would you like updates? Or are...
  2. R


    Kenny's an ass... but I do think he's the best wrestler out of the 5... Smackdown? On what channel? When??
  3. R

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    I can't believe I have to give my friend her birthday present tomorrow, but I'm still too lazy to go out and get it.
  4. R

    The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

    The Departed. Lol, I tend to watch a whole lot of movies during the holidays... Anyway, it was a good movie. 'I don't want to be a product of my environment; I want my environment to be a product of me.' My favourite line from the movie...
  5. R

    Casino Royale

    Watched it two nights ago... I think it's the best Bond I've seen in ages. I really liked that the whole thing was more focused on the characters, and there are hardly any high-tech gadgets, or overdone action scenes. And it's a nice change to see Bond finally getting hurt, and even being on...
  6. R

    The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

    Casino Royale... watched it two nights ago, at the cinema. It is dead good. Daniel Craig is a wonderful Bond.
  7. R


    LOL, D, my bro also tried out Season mode... and was also victim to the wand.
  8. R


    I'm quite sure they will...
  9. R

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    I can't believe I have a piano lesson tomorrow, at 9A.M. On a Saturday! Normally I'm still in bed at 11am on Saturdays!
  10. R

    Alright....Admit it....

    BSB all the way! The only songs I really listened to, growing up, was theirs lol.
  11. R

    The Last Ten songs You Listened To...

    1. The Chemical Brothers - Galvanize 2. Simple Plan - Perfect 3. Hoobastank - If I Were You 4. Goo Goo Dolls - Iris 5. Good Charlotte - Say Anything 6. Green Day - Holiday 7. Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams 8. KT Tunstall - Suddenly I See 9. Counting Crows - Big Yellow Taxi(feat. Vanessa...
  12. R

    Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith- WINNERS UP!

    Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith Beginners: 24 13 9 Advanced: 10 14 21
  13. R

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    I can't believe FreakyLady and I posted at about the same time...
  14. R

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    I can't believe I'm gonna find out my results for this really important exam I took, soon... My mum is going around telling people that if I don't get straight As, I'm as good as dead. She's right, I'm as good as dead. There is no way I'm getting straight As... I screwed my essays up.. :(
  15. R


    You got that right. What the hell is Creative doing? K-FED vs. Cena, K-FED???? And, damn, Jeff Hardy lost his title last night, to Johnny Nitro, with a lot of help from Melina... :( At least we have a Hardy Boyz reunion to look forward to. I'm about floating on Cloud Ten now. DX, and the...
  16. R

    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 I hope he investigates Wilson too... this could be a very interesting storyline...
  17. R


    Yes, that match. I just turned into mush, towards the end, when he went "HEY! You haven't broken me! I'm still standing!"
  18. R


    The Hardy brothers getting Punk'd? That would be awesome... Lol, I just watched the full Jeff Hardy vs. the Undertaker match, over at YouTube... my love for Jeff Hardy can only increase. :o
  19. R

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    I can't believe I'm so sleepy... at 3.19 in the afternoon. :(
  20. R

    It's just a chick thing [Girl Talk!]

    ....Now, who wouldn't want such a kid? He's... smart, and... funny...?