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  1. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    We should start a bet on how many times Danny will cry in s2. I'm better at least 3 times before episode 5.
  2. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    Well Danny is a drama queen. Maybe he's want attention because things weren't going his way and he'd go out and buy a prop gun, and cause a fuss, and he'll pull the trigger and a little flag will pop out that says BANG!
  3. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    Hey.. if a character I like can get shot in the eye with a nail gun, so can one I don't like. Besides it was just as much a jab at the writers, from what I've read of the new seasons they've all gone crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if someone from NY said they wanted off, so the writers have...
  4. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    So we're assuming that sometime before then Danny isn't dumb enough to try to clean his gun with it pointing at his forehead and accidentially shoot himself in the forehead? Are we sure that's not giving him too much credit?
  5. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I was under the impression that Aiden was a level 2. I forget the episode but Mac pulled her from a case she and Danny were working on, and Danny as usually started to whine, and she said something like 'wait until you're a level II.' Or something.
  6. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    I don't know why but that reminds me of those diaper ads with the pull up things for the little kids who are trying to learn how to use the toilet. :lol:
  7. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    :lol: :lol: :lol: That was fantastic!
  8. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    Every show has a trend... Buffy was kill Buffy/everyone Buffy slept with. Charmed was kill every character at least twice. Lost.... uhh still haven't figured that one out. CSI: Bad things must happen to Nick. Maybe NY's trend will be 'Danny must be nearly decapitated at least once a season.'...
  9. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    Hey! Some of us are guys here.
  10. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    Just to make things clear: I actually liked Danny in MIA/NYC-Nonstop, and I liked the idea of his gang connections. But as each episode went by the less and less I liked him. Its not one specific thing its just in general everything about the character doesn't sit right with me. As to the...
  11. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    Tell me about it! I logged in yesterday to check for new posts and there were like 5 new threads for Carmine/Danny. There should be some type of limit on how many threads a person/character can have. I mean does there really have to be 3 different threads for his glasses? Maka is one of the...
  12. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    Oh my god, that's fantastic!! :lol:
  13. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    Wouldn't he already be sulking because: 1) the party wasn't for him 2) he didn't get the biggest piece of cake 3) it wasn't his favorite type of cake 4) someone got a piece with more frosting than him
  14. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    It would be really funny if Hawkes and Lindsey got promoted before him. :lol:
  15. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    There is an upside though! Sometime in the middle of s1 they said that Danny's been a CSI 1 for three years and still hasn't gotten a promotion. So at least someone is ignoring him. ;)
  16. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    Heh.. and here I was trying to be tactful. :lol:
  17. R

    The Anti-Danny Thread

    I think what gets to me most about the character is the writers feel the need to constantly throw him in the viewers faces. Sure the character is popular, but Danny isn't the lead character. There are 5 other characters on the show. If they want to focus more on specific characters (Danny) it...