Search results

  1. daisymay

    Why have famous guest stars?

    Bo Derek, and we've got Raquel Welch coming up... Just wondered why? Do they add anything to this show? Do more people tune in because? I know someone (David, this time) dutifully mentions 'living legends', but... Just wondered what others think. And don't start me on guest directors - well, one...
  2. daisymay

    To Spoil or not to Spoil?

    Do you like to know what's coming, or not? I've added a little poll, to find out - I know people tend to have strong opinions on this.
  3. daisymay

    Season 10 Wish List

    Thought it might be fun to list what we'd like to see in the new season - don't suppose we'll get it, but still... So I'll start: Return of Kyle (or at least word of him) More Calleigh, less Natalia
  4. daisymay

    Hollywood Walk of Fame

    See that Marg Helgenberger is to be honoured. And that William Petersen already has been. Only a question, and no disrespect to anyone, but what about the other two - David Caruso and Gary Sinese? They're surely as famous, if not more so?
  5. daisymay

    American English v. English English

    Not at all sure where to post this... but, I do a lot of writing and try to keep the English acceptably neutral. Not always possible, even with help of dictionaries. Current problem - someone getting beaten... We (UK) say 'beaten up'. I've seen US people say 'beaten down'. Anyone clarify for me...
  6. daisymay

    Michael Hayes

    David Caruso's old series. Does anyone out there know if it's obtainable - video/ DVD/download? Not fussy! I've drawn a blank.
  7. daisymay

    How much life left in the CSI series?

    I don't like to see long-running series go on and on, with many cast changes and their glory days long behind them, until they go out with a whimper rather than a bang. (ER comes to mind.) As a fan, of course I'd watch CSI for ever, but I'm trying to be objective here. I feel TPTB will just...
  8. daisymay

    Episode 717

    I've made this a new thread because it doesn't seem to fit anywhere. I could have titled it 'My Obssession'. I watched this episode last night only because Living Channel ran it, and I was too lazy to change to a DVD. So what's wrong with this episode? No sign of H in the pre-titles bit. All...
  9. daisymay

    Original writers?

    Can one of you knowledgable folk tell me who the original writers were/are? Don't quite know how to define 'original' - maybe series 1 and 2.
  10. daisymay


    I know someone will know the answer... Was Yelina ever H's, before she took up with his brother? You see, I think there's real sexual chemistry between H and her, more so than with anyone else. And, honestly, given the choice, which would you choose? I realise this is mostly down to...
  11. daisymay

    Is Super H too Super for words?

    When I said I liked a little vulnerability in my heroes, people agreed. Take H (no, don't take him, I want him...) - is there an occasion in any episode in 8 whole seasons, where he's either physically hurt, or unwell? If the answer's no, then it's unrealistic, methinks. Also, I don't know...
  12. daisymay

    Filming schedule?

    First, I'm sorry if this has been covered before - being a bit new has that disadvantage. I'm just curious if anyone knows how long the CSIs take to film. I mean, there are around 24 episodes in a series; do they take 2 weeks per episode, or is it not that straightforward? Do they finish one...