Search results

  1. N

    Need a certain picture

    i don't know where this would belong but i'm looking for a picture of Nick/George. i'm looking for a picture of him either shaking something or holding something over his head. if this is in the wrong place sorry. feel free to move it if you have to thanks
  2. N


    i know this should probably go in the i rant and i can't say this out loud but i can say this out loud but i don't want to cause drama. so here it goes... I'm a junior in high school i've been at my school for 9 years. this is my third year of high school. so yesterday we had homecoming court...
  3. N

    can someone make me a siggy?

    i posted this in the signatue banners request but no one answered hey could someone make me a signature banner i have the phots i want and writing on them but i need the photos smaller and i want the banner to movie like flip through the photos here are the photos picture 1 picture 2 picture...
  4. N


    i was trying to add a post to my fan fic and it says that the forum is no longer valid! why is this? i'm not done with my story yet! now i lost the whole new part that i've been typing up for the past hour!
  5. N

    "An Unexpected Meeting" - A Nick Stokes Fan-Fic

    i know this first chapter is a little long but its just to introduce and its a need to know for the may seem a little boring (not alot happens mostly just evidence being processes) but the next chapter is better...belive me...i will put the other chapter up tomorrow morning or later on...
  6. N

    i have a question about the show

    well i'm editing my fan fic and theres a part that sounds a little funny and i was wondering when the coroners take the bodies from the crime scenes they go back to csi right like the lab or is there another building for the coroner (i think its called the morgue) and also is the lab itself...
  7. N

    i have a question about the show

    sciScience-ML-1258984-ML- To: Forensic Science
  8. N

    need help with an episode...

    which episode are this picture from