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  1. poison girl

    Happy 30 to Eddie Cahill!!

    Today Eddie Cahill is turning 30 years old, and as Top said, it's worth a new thread with all the good wishes for him. Happy birthday to Eddie!!
  2. poison girl

    Learning spanish

    This thread is for people who want to learn spanish. If you want to learn something from this interesting and complicated lenguaje post here your doubt. I'm sure there will be more people that will be glad to lend you a hand.
  3. poison girl

    CSI: Hangman #9

    Welcome to CSI Hangman! Everyone is welcome here, but please take a look at the rules before joining in - Each player is asked to request no more than 2 letters per game - No more than 3 letter guesses should be requested before each update. This makes it easier for the person updating the...
  4. poison girl

    New 7 wonders

    As many of you Know, next july 7 (07/07/07) there will be known the new 7 wonders of this time in a ceremony in Lisbon (Portugal). Votes are still open at, and there you will find the complete list of the wonders into the cometition. The ancient ones were the Great...