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  1. A

    Why does Heratio always call Ryan, MrWolfe & not just Ryan?

    I can't find this question anywhere else on here, but me and my mum have always wondered that whenever Heratio speaks to Ryan its always Mr.Wolfe. But when he speaks to the others he always just uses their first name. Does anyone know why this is? Its been bugging me for ages! :) Or is is...
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    CSI Poster in the UK????!!!!?????

    Has anyone seen or know of somewhere, where I can get a CSI Poster of a decent size? I alreay have a couple of 8 by 10 pictures which I got off a well known internet auction site, and I have looked for posters and I can't find any. I have also searched for them in general on the internet and if...
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    America's Next Top Model

    America's Next Top Model is a wicked show. I live in the UK so I know I don't see if up to date like those of you living in America, but it certainly gets me hooked! Over here we have just seen Danielle win (I'm not sure is that the 4th winner they've had. I'm not really sure), and I think she...